Oops. DH doesn't know...


9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Wilds of Montana
I've been meaning to tell DH about the 4 turkey eggs in the incubator along with the chicken eggs.
I tried to start a conversation about the Merriam turkeys tonight and he said "you've got plenty of chickens hatching..."

Yeah, and possibly 4 turkeys.
Wonder if he'll notice the hatch date on the calendar?

It's that chicken math thing. I am having 5 roos and a turkey going to freezer camp. We did discuss turkeys earlier and I mentioned I wanted more because they were so cool. He likes the turkey.
Never mind I have 6 EEs, 4 BBS and 12 BCMs in the incubator as well...
I kinda did the same thing with my DH. My last hatch didnt make it cause shipping was too rough on them so my DD and I went to a farm near here and got some hatching eggs. Hubby didnt know what we were doing as he said we have enough chickens. So when I got home I told him I got a dozen eggs from an Amish grocery store. Needless to say he figured it out when I put 2 dozen in. He didnt really say anyting and now that they are developing and moving he thinks it cool. He did say if they all hacth I have to sell some. Hummm we'll see...
Yeah, I'm thinking. We just got a free llama (I llobbied for the llama
) and already he's warming up to the idea of a second llama.

The good news is they're hatching on the second day of opening season for deer/elk. We'll be so tired, he probably won't even notice the little fuzz butts!
I do the same thing to my dad i said can i have some quail and they were already in the incubator and he said if you buiod i coop i just said okay.and then i got some silkie eggs he just found out about those
Well, my DH caught me in an egg buy. He called up as I was waiting for my friend to bring me the marans eggs. I felt like it was an undercover deal or something because I meet people in parking lots by supermarkets or gas stations.
He took it all in stride and we joked about it. So, I think he'll be fine with the turkeys, assuming they hatch. I think he had visions of me ordering a flock of turkeys from a hatchery.
I think he saw me turn the eggs in the incubator, so he knows I have quite a few.
It's really funny how us pet people end up getting the animals we want.

Husband said 2 dogs. We went from 1 to 4 to eventually a sled team with 25 dogs in the kennel at any one time. We're back down to 4 dogs.

Husband said 1 cat. A second cat adopted us and he had me bring the cat inside. We have two cats.

Husband said no chickens. Then 6 chickens. Then we have 23 chickens, 4 chicks, 2 ducks, 2 geese and a turkey. DH finds the chickens useful.

Someone offered us a packing llama. I looked at DH who said we'd look at him. Sid is now outside in his pen and we're considering getting another llama and some horses.

Methinks he protests a little too much.
It's really funny how us pet people end up getting the animals we want.

Husband said 2 dogs. We went from 1 to 4 to eventually a sled team with 25 dogs in the kennel at any one time. We're back down to 4 dogs.

Husband said 1 cat. A second cat adopted us and he had me bring the cat inside. We have two cats.

Husband said no chickens. Then 6 chickens. Then we have 23 chickens, 4 chicks, 2 ducks, 2 geese and a turkey. DH finds the chickens useful.

Someone offered us a packing llama. I looked at DH who said we'd look at him. Sid is now outside in his pen and we're considering getting another llama and some horses.

Methinks he protests a little too much.

yeah it started out with one chicken i wasnt even planning on keeping and know 11 chickens and more in the incubator.animals like dogs is where dad absoultly cannot be talked into we have two and thats enough wich is fine with me.
I brought a gosling home when i was a teenager, i already had a couple of ducks, and just told everyone it was a duck too... Then it got bigger and started to look a bit different. So i told everyone it was a rare breed. When they finally clued on it was too late and they all loved him anyway

or the never fail trick i use to do to my ex, what new *insert random pet here*? I've had them for weeks! We discussed this!
It was mean, but he just accepted it after a while lol

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