Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I'm doing quite nicely, thank you. I have not started my NaNoWriMo story yet, but in terms of my fanfiction I have one dedicated fan!
One afternoon while in Missouri I took Granny to the Precious Moments Museum in Carthage. There is a building holding memorabilia from the artist's life and copies of all of the Precious Moments figures. Of course there is a gift shop in which you can purchase items but the primary draw is a chapel containing murals and stained glass windows featuring the Precious Moments children.





The plastic Jesus is still missing and Granny thought Rebecca needed something to fill the void


Very sweet of Granny, I bet Rebecca was pleased. The stained glass windows are lovely, the whole place is!

Well darned if it didn't turn chilly again. High forties at night and mid-seventies during the day. Pretty much ideal in my opinion! Firewood coming today, but we won't be building a fire anytime soon as next week is going to be in the eighties again. The only downside is how short the days have gotten!

Puts me in a cooking frame of mind, so maybe some corn & jalapeno soup and later a big pot of beef stew!

Day 10 so I candled the 6 eggs in the incubator. Not good results. Three are clears, 1 looks like a blood ring and 2 look odd, like they may have quit early. Dang it. I was really hoping for better, these are Columbian Bantam Cochins.

I do have more eggs coming next week, smooth and frizzled bantam Cochins. They're coming in from Michigan, let's hope they have a safe and swift trip!
Winter can't be very far off. It currently is 34 degrees. I'll bet that my garden is done for. I had lots of green tomatoes and bell peppers that I started to pick yesterday and now they probably are going to be left for the chickens.

Morgan took this picture of Scott, my youngest, and I so I thought I post it. I wish my entire mustache would turn white instead of just the tips.

It's a little cool here this morning but that is actually a blessing for this morning's project. I've got smoker out and will be smoking 7 pounds of cheese. I found some Monterey Jack on sale and with the cool weather I thought it would be a great indea. Later this week I will be making venison summer sausage and salami. Cool temperatures, the scent of applewood smoke in the air, fresh sausage hanging; definitely makes the portent of the coming cold a little less threatening.

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