Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Good to have you back Opa!
I'm glad you had a safe trip and jumping right back into the "grind" sounds just like you.

Hello to everyone!

Later, Mary

edited because I can't spell early in the a.m.
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to all!

Opa: Wow, must have been hard work!

Ranchie: Give Highlander a little sympathy.

Highlander: Ducklings! Post pictures when they hatch, please!
I remembered to take my camera this time and will upload a few pictures a little later. Just got in from work and am waiting for David to come in so I can find out what is on my schedule for tomorrow.

I found one more good thing about living in the snowbelt. Things grow in the south that I don't have to deal with here in the cold. One day while helping Joe with the haying, I took a break and drank half a glass of iced tea. I only had time to drink 1/2 of it so I sat in on the porch. When we quit working due to the darkness, I picked up the glass and continued drinking it. As I finished the last swallow I felt something in my mouth that I quickly spit back into the glass. Closer examination revealed that it was a spider. While almost ingesting an insect isn't one of my favorite thing, discovering that it was a brown recluse spider really made cold and snow suddenly seem more attractive.
Ick on the spider, those recluses are nasty customers! Glad you and Granny had a nice time.

PK, It's the other way round with Highlander, she's always picking on me!
Good morning PK, doing well, thank you! How are you? How's the writing coming along?

I am playing hooky this morning, but very soon I will have to start the chores. Some days I just need a little motivation!
I so agree with you Sam...there are many things in the south that I do not miss....and I am so very happy I do not have to deal with them in the cold north. The recluse is one of many spiders I do not miss, the giganto wolf spider, copperheads, fleas, ticks, chiggers, just to name afew.....I love living without them!

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