Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

We went to several shops while we were in Shipshewana. A furniture store where I got a great idea for building an expandable bench. Another huge three story building housed numerous shops was a relatively new building of post and beam construction. A pretty amazing building to look at at admire the exposed framing.

There are several auctions for live stock as well as auctions for antiques. They also have a huge flea market area with over 600 venders. We did buy a set of Egyptian cotton 1200 thread count sheets with deep corner pockets for a queen size bed for $15. I started to get two sets but was concerned that the quality might not be very good. So we only bought one set. Turns out I should have bought several sets. They seem to be excellent sheets and with the high thread count they feel like satin. I guess we'll have to go back next year and buy more.
Shipshewana, was my favorite place to visit. My Mom, Twin Aunts and I would go there about 4 times a year. That building sounds wonderful. Don't you just love a craftsman, you can always see the love in the work. Opa, your work has that love.
Beautiful day here today. Got to enjoy them while they last as there can't be many nice days left. I have started winterizing the runs and moving birds around in anticipation of what's to come. I've several winterizing projects I want to get done while it's nice as opposed to my normal procedure of waiting til it's cold and miserable.
Heck I even plan on putting up the xmas lights next week.

Lost two hens to migrating hawks this past week. One was the ameraucana that occasionally laid a 4 ounce egg and the other was "Blue the former house chicken". Now the chickens are all in covered runs and they aren't very happy about not having the garden. I guess I have been lucky since this is the first I've lost to predators in 3 years.
Good morning, Boy oh boy what a sunrise this morning! I was to lazy to take pictures, and I have a ton of sunrise pictures, so I just enjoyed watching it happen

Opa, sorry about you loosing your hens.

I have to go into town today, I will get a radiation treatment on my spine. I hope all goes well. Please pray for me.

I am so excited about having blue/green eggs again. So far Velvet has given me 4. She was the last blue egg I had from mom Celo, before she got killed. I did put the egg under a Bantam Frizzle hen. She hatched out 10 babies and Velvet is that baby, grown up and just started laying eggs. I thought the EE all had blue colored legs, Velvet does not, she has developed the muffs, so my colored leg idea is not true.

Have a good all!
Hello everyone,

Opa, too bad about the hens, hopefully the hawks have moved on now. I too, need to get started on winterizing. Still getting a little done of the crate coop but have now reached to point of dismantling the shed that's currently there. That's gonna be a trick, not a treat!

for the radiation going well and being as comfortable as you can. My hens are still molting and I suspect another snake is grabbing the few eggs that might be out there. Grrrr..... The eggs I have in the incubator are bantam Cochin, some frizzled, so I might have some frizzles, too! I'm really looking forward to them!

PK, you ready for November? Can you write the story ahead of time or do you have to wait?

Loco, where are you hiding? I'll be glad when I see a Thistle here again!

Storms expected this afternoon, the same string that caused tornados in TX. I am NOT looking forward to this! But we do need rain, so I'll just have to cowgirl up.
Good morning!

Opa: *hugs* I'm sorry about your chickens. My chicken Julia went missing, and it's been a week since we last saw her, so...
Ranchie: Yup! Gearing up for November. No, we can't write a single word until 12:01 AM, Nov. 1st.
Pati, hope all goes well with the doctors. You stay in my thoughts and prayers. One of these days I suppose I should go to the doctor myself and get checked out. The last time I went was 25 years ago. Of course with my luck he will tell me that all of the aches and pains I have are because I'm dying instead of just old. Last fall a fellow retiree from the fire department wasn't feeling well. Went to the doctor who told him that he'd be lucky to make xmas. Maybe if he hadn't found out he was sick he wouldn't have know to lay down and die.

The coopers hawk is continuing to visit the chickens. He shows up every day and sits on the small coop where he can watch all of the no longer available meals. I sure will be glad when he decides to migrate south.
According to my field guide, Sam, Cooper's Hawk and the Redtail Hawk live here year round.
May be in for a long winter with these hawks. Krisrose's and my birds are in lockdown cuz Kristen had a hawk attack one of her chickens on Sunday. There's a huge redtail hanging around, but a smaller hawk is what got Kristen's chicken.

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