Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Good morning all, I also have a red tailed hawk hanging around, I have some big Ironwood trees by my wash, and that booger started hanging out there. My chickens free range all day, however they spend lots of time in the run. The top is covered, so I'm hoping with the dog in the yard that Bear will keep it away. He really guards his chickens.

Opa, thank you for your prayers, I will beat this nasty
cancer! With Gods help.

It is time for me to take a nap. Hope everyone has a great day! and howdy to all I missed.
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Its been a while since I posted some chick pics so I thought I would give you an update on the Orps:







Lemon Cuckoo:



Out of the 6 chicks I think 5 are cockerels. That's quite impressive eh?
Pati: I think of you often and I hope for a positive outcome for you.

Sam: Sorry you lost chickens to that hawk, especially sad about Blue the former house chicken, I know she had a special place in your heart. I have a breeding pair of hawks that have been here for as long as I have but so far they have ignored the chickens. There must be plenty of other goodies to keep them full. It's a pity they are not going after the rats that have now started to take over the barn and eat the eggs though. Ick!

Ranchie: I think we need some chick pics!
Meet my new rooster, arrived shrieking at 5:30 a.m. Sadly, it looks like he's going to be the only one of 7 eggs to makes it, and the other hatch still has 15 days to go.

He's a Columbian bantam Cochin.


Highlander, I promise, no hexes were applied. Let's see how those drakes do.........
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Hello All!

Pati, Prayers for God's blessing on you and strength for your battle.

Highlander, I want your chocolates!! Nothing like that here............can you sneak some over for us?!

Ranchie, Cute...cute..cute!! Hope the next batch produces more than one for you.

P.K., Monday will be here before you know it!!

Opa, Sorry to hear of your losses to the hawk. They're in a different league than the coons you can trap............

We are having some wicked winds here this week. No one has blown away yet but they are walking sideways out there!!

Later, Mary

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