Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

:woot:yiipchick PK So you finally got them. Love the names.

Johnny Apple seed has always been a favorite. When I started growing trees from seeds I thought of him ofter. I came from a fruit farm in Mi. We had lots of apples. As children we were taught about Johnny Appleseed. Thank You Ranchy,
:woot:woot for the info. Today is the day.
80 degrees???? Its rainy and in the 40s here. But thats better than a couple months ago so I am not going to complain. Sheila, do you remember when it got to 20 and I was happy because it was so "warm",lol????

Princess Kumatora, congrats on the chicks!

Oh and CityGirlintheCountry, I like that Johnny Appleseed song!
Hi, ppl! I obviously cannot keep up with this thread. I do not have enough time in my day. Sorry!

Opa, hope you don't mind me being an "occasional" here...everyone's just too fast for me to stay abreast of what's going on.

Have a happy day!
Sshhh, don't tell please. I've seen 1-4 but havent got round to 5 yet.

You gotta watch it. It's getting crazy! I'm almost done gonna have to Hulu the 6th season.
I know, it's amazing that it has warmed up so fast down here(that's what it does, one day it's winter and the next day summer). My poor birds are panting because the change was so sudden. At least I'm not having to heat the brooder during the day anymore.

How's the hatch going happytxchick? I couldn't see a thing when I tried to candle yesterday...frustrating.
Just came in to get a cup of coffee and I'm several pages behind. Lots of nice folks dropping in. I worked on my taxes for a while. The computer in my office is blocking a download update for the tax software and after repeated attempts to correct it I thought it was prudent to quit for a while. I was sorely tempted to smack in with a hammer to adjust its attitude but then remember that only works on kids.

I did go down to the shop and build two nest boxes to install on my bantam chicken tractor, so at least the day wasn't a total bust. I'm anxious to get started building a chicken ark similar to one I saw online. It will be 5' long with a 5' base and should be ideal for a trio of bantams.

Hope just started supper. She mixed spices and olive oil together to coat some small red potatoes she baking in the oven. Aspergrass in butter sauce to go with the bacon wrapped filets that are ready to go on the grill and when they're done we can shout out "BEEF it whats fer supper".
Yay, glad you got them at last! Pics are a must please PK!

You'll get your pics on Friday.

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