Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

LOL, I clicked on submit too soon.

Pati, are you still battling the mud? BTW, the only way I can get mesquite for BBQ here in in expensive little bags. So I made do with hickory, oak and pecan.

Chickflick, I imagine seeing the snow go feels pretty good. We had 4" and it was gone in one day, but it was a real nine day wonder for us.

Mags, you're right. I have to go to the city today, just a short trip, but I'll make every effort to be courteous and helpful to everyone. I usually am anyway, and it does feel good.
Not thrilled with having to venture out, but I'd best get moving. Sheila, can you send me an HEB please?
Sometimes I wish my DH would go away for a week, and take the children with him!!

Or just have somebody else take the kids for a week!
Sometimes I wish my DH would go away for a week, and take the children with him!!

Or just have somebody else take the kids for a week!

It's funny how I say that, but after about 12 hours of peace, I would be missing them terribly.
Have a nice trip to the city, and good luck being friendly and courteous to everyone. From everything I hear about your area, people are pretty friendly and courteous anyways.
Happy Friday morning!

I agree about the newspapers, it's hard to skip those dreaded headlines blaring at you. I only get the news delivered Fri, Sat & Sun. That's enough.

Harlan - congrats on your new job! Hope it goes well for you.

I hope everyone has a great day. I'm going to go lay low for awhile and watch "Fly Away Home" I never saw it.....so now's the time.

I'm definitely going to check back here later to see those darling baby pics that were promised by PK !

I went back 2 pages, person by person! Maybe you need to pop in more often?

I try.....but by the time I get off work, I have to read a gizzillion pages to get caught up....then it is time for bed......you guys are some real talkers!

WOOOHOOOO....I start my new job on monday, I have the weekend off, and I am so excited!

I'm so excited! Last night, I candled the duck eggs that I put in the incubator last week. It was fascinating to see all those little baby ducklings in there, and see their little hearts beating. I have the bator in my little boy's room, so he got to check them out with me. What a cool experience for a little guy! He was so excited. I wanted to candle them to make sure everthing was going as planned, because my order of Cayuga eggs came in yesterday. Wanted to make sure I was doing it right with the free eggs before putting in the paid-for ones. So now I've got 25 Cayuga eggs in the bator. Out of my free eggs, only one out of the dozen was infertile. Currie, my little bantam hen, has adopted two more duck eggs, so now she's sitting on three. The one that was cracked (and I put candle wax on it) is still ok, and the little duckling continues to grow. It will be interesting to see what happens when Currie sees a duckling pop out.

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