Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

PK, why did you walk so far today? Chasin' chicken?

Exercise. I'm trying to lose a few pounds.
I am glad I was invited to sit a spell here. It is a very inviting friendly place you have here Opa. I hope you have a big pot of coffee on , because it seems like a very popular place to be. I just hope Linda stops in once in a while.

I was so excited because I went to the Agway down the street, and they have the order forms for spring chicks. Well, I go home all excited and tell my DH, and he says"don't you have enough chickens?"

A couple of hours later he said, I think maybe we should get 5 more so we can have an even dozen

I knew I loved that man for a reason!
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Woody, all you need do is look at my title to realize that you would fit in here. Us old fellers got to stick together.

I'm glad to see so many of my castle friends have joined in and I'm thrilled to see new folks as well.
the scary thing is that Sam sounds an awful lot like sam elliot IRL.
And if you don't mind a hillbilly from the genesee county area to check in I'd love to hang out here as well
the scary thing is that Sam sounds an awful lot like sam elliot IRL.
And if you don't mind a hillbilly from the genesee county area to check in I'd love to hang out here as well

Love it! I'll keep on doing it then. It's pretty fun actually!
Well, I will need that coffee super early tomorrow as I am starting to take a LONG walk every morning. I have to do something to get back into shape.(besides round.sigh.
) I have also been pouring over different books of exercises.
Doc appointment tomorrow too. Yay.
I have a bet with my youngest son about how much weight I will lose before June 24th....
Tarot readings....I do that too but have only given them to family members. My son has me do a reading for him once a month.
Looks like a friendly bunch in here!
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Speaking of exercise: I just started working out with a personal trainer on M-W-F...talk about accountability! When she asks, "Did you use your ellyptical at home yesterday," I don't want to dare say, "No."

I want to loose at least 20 pounds before I graduate from RN school in May!
The coffee pot is always on and I hope you all like dark robust coffee. There's sweet tea in the refrigerator year round, my southern roots demand it, and there is alway room at the table for one more.
Today I finished rebacking the tambour doors for a 105+ year old Hoosier cabinet that I have been refinishing. A portion of the upper cabinet, the flour hopper/sifter and sugar bin had been painted a few times so stripping the old paint has been a major nightmare. The back of both the upper and lower cabinets had delaminated and had to be replaced. Other than that everything is original. I did strip the finish on the cabinets, I just repaired the finish in a few spots and then rubbed a tung oil finish into it followed by several coats of paste wax.
Tomorrow I will oil, and wax the horizontal tamour doors and reinstall them. Once completed I will post pictures. The one thing I found amazing is that it has a 7 glass jar revolving spice rack with the original jars still intact. A dear friend who was moving from her house to a small apartment gave it to me. I tried to get her to sell it at her garage sale since it is an actual Hoosier brand cabinet; but she insisted that knowing I had and treasured it would mean more to her than the money she could have gotten for it.
I will post pictures once it's complete. I wish that I had remembered to take pictures before I started. But the finished piece is some thing I will treasure.
Me too!! It's interesting how people one has never met become so important in our lives. This website has been a blessing in more ways than one.


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