Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Thanks Opa!!!

Sounds great to me........

I just need to SLOW DOWN! I have been chasing my tail! I am a committee chair person for a large community event. Plus my DH has been falling apart..... He is going back to work today for the first time in a week and a half.
I keep finding some of my birds dead.......... yesterday alone, i dropped and broke 3 dz eggs!!! I'm going crazy.......

So, all that said, I need a place where I can come and kick my feet up and RELAX!!!!!

Hi, Ranchhand!
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Hi Spunky-I'm Sheila-glad you came over. I have met some really great new people on Opa's thread.
Good afternoon to everyone else.
Maggie-I am SOOO excited there is veining in those eggs! That makes me happy!

Question of the day-is it just me, or when you go into town do you feel like this-
and when you get back to your place in the woods or country do you feel like this
. I HATE going into town.
Anywho, back to work...hope you all have a great afternoon!
Hi All old and new, I am busy getting ready for a visit from my son and his dear family. He is a sgt. in the Marines. He has been stationed in La. but has new orders to go to Virginia. Im tickled to see them but alas sad to know they will be farther away. Got to run cleaning and cooking! Welcome spunky!

I totally hear ya'. We went out on the Harley today to meet a friend at an Irish Pub during lunch time. With a last name like Kelly, guess what....it's mandatory on St. Patrick's Day. We're sitting at a bar (I hate to SIT still anywhere and I don't like beer), waiting for our friend to arrive. All these little girls with fake hair come in, and start stomping to fake Irish music. The people sitting next to me are chain smoking (I'm an ex-smoker, and thus can't stand the smell of smoke from a mile away). I looked at my DH and said, "Look at that beautiful sun shining out there. We could be sitting on our patio furniture in the sunshine, watching our animals, smelling the fresh air, and enjoying our own space." I hate being an ole' hag buzz-kill, but that's what I was thinking. Now I'm happily sitting on my lovely screened front porch, which I haven't been able to enjoy since Summer ended. I'm listening to sheep, and happy that the ducks came back up all on their own after I escorted them down to play at the creek this morning, and I'm chatting online with my buds. I'm also getting ready to serve up some awesome corned beef, cabbage, purple taters, and baby carrots. YUM!!!! Life is GOOD!!!!!
Hey all. Lots of wind here today. I know what you mean about going to town, even though it's necessary at some point. I'm such a home body and i love it. Went to the turkey breeding farm today and got 2 free cases of eggs ( double yokers & chips and cracks) to give away to neighbors and friends, also i feed some to my girls. All the single yokes that aren't chipped or cracked go to the hatcherey ( where ever that is). I did learn one little tidbit that i thought was odd. They give those good eggs a mild bleach wash before they get shipped out. I've always thought that hatching eggs should be left alone. What do you all think about that?? I've also been in the barns where the hens lay and contrary to popular belief, the barns were clean with lots of light and no, they weren't in cages and the hens all seemed happy. Obviously, the nest were all on the floor and the workers were constantly picking eggs and spreading fresh straw. The feed and water is all automatic. They have 3400 hens laying there and they are AI ( how often i'm not sure). I'll find out next time.
Whew, that's a lot of typing for an ol' geezer.

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