Opened Supersized Jumbo Jumbo Egg


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 24, 2007
South Louisiana
I cracked open the jumbo jumbo egg that I posted the other day... this is what I found:




Not what I expected... I thought for sure I'd have at least 3 yolks... all it was was one small egg inside
another... the smaller egg didn't drop so a new egg formed around it... the smaller egg wasn't fully formed.
Well the surprise is over... We didn't break any records... but it was fun! I'm pretty sure that my Henrietta is laying again... she usually gives me jumbo eggs at least once a day. She layed this supersized one on Saturday and we didn't see anything from her until today, Thursday and it was a perfectly round egg and large... I wouldn't say it was Jumbo... I'm so proud of my girlies...
Hope you enjoy the pictures...
Have a great weekend.
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You might want to give her a "donut" to sit on, after pushing that one out... wowzers!!!
wow that was a very very large egg. I have seen a three yoker in a large egg before. was really cool. I love it when there is two yokes or i would get the hen a donut wow no wonder she did not lay till today.

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