opening the bator


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Croton on Hudson
So this is probably a stupid question but this is my second hatch and my first didn't go very well so I'm asking all of the stupid questions... I read that you are not suppose to open the incubator in the last days but then how do you get them out of the egg turner? You have to open the bator on day 18 right? I'm just asking to be 100 percent sure. Thanks.
yes the last time you open is in the middle of day 17 to day 18 you can take them out of the turner by opening the bator or just leave the turned in there and unplug the turner and let them hatch in the turner eathier way
I always open the bator, take the turner out, and set the eggs in an egg carton to hatch. I've never left the turner in there, but I've used racks and sometimes they get stuck on the sides or underneath. They can't get under the egg cartons (I use the cardboard kind) and they hatch nice and clean.
Here's a pic:

Yes - take 'em off the turner and put them right in the cartons. Little end down, big end up. See how clean? No goop left in the shells and the chicks hang out in the shell until their umbilical cord is decent enough for them to come out. The eggs don't get rolls around by the others and the hatches are so much better. You won't be disappointed - promise.

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