Operation Tasty Bird


7 Years
Aug 9, 2012
The purpose of this thread is to chronicle my experience as a first time attempt at raising meat birds. I have a layer flock but have never raised a meat bird before. I am also working out of a small backyard setting, not a farm.

I ordered 50 Cornish X chicks from Schlecht hatchery in early Feb. with a delivery on March 6th. After shipping it came out to about $1.50 a chick. I split the order with some other locals, keeping 20 for myself.

All 50 arrived healthy and active with no problems.

They all went into a homemade brooder where I put them on fermented starter/grower and water with ACV from a nipple waterer.

They love the FF, and jockey for position on the feeder. They eat ALOT.

I was worried they wouldn't figure out the water nipples, but they took to it right away without any problems.

I picked a chick at random for the 1 week old photo. Some have a few more feathers than others, but not many. All are still healthy and eating well.
I just showed them how it worked for a few mins by playing with it and dripping water down. Once one got curious and tried it, they all figured it out.
Well they went to Freezer Camp yesterday. It was a rough last week as I lost two of the 20 birds before processing. One last tuesday, and the second over saturday night, mere hours from processing. I brought 18 to slaughter at just under 9 weeks old. The biggest dressed at 5lbs 11oz, the smallest at 4lbs 4oz. They averaged at just over 5lbs. I'm going to try red meaties next to see which breed I like better.

Since all the advice is to dip the chick's beak in the water dish, how did you successfully introduce the chicks to the nipple waterer?

That's great they had no problems with it.

Brooder cleaning time. I have to clean out the brooder about every 3 days. They are very messy and can destroy bedding in no time.

They go crazy when I fill up the feed tray.

Two week old photo. I put a waterer in the photo for size reference and comparison.
Hi CoopDeVille,
I'm raising meat birds for the first time, too! I got 25 (+ a bonus chick) 4 days ago from McMurray. I was grateful to see your postings, because you are 10 days ahead of me, and I'm hoping to learn from you as I go along. Love the pictures! My chicks all arrived healthy and active as well. I've been surprised at how vigorous the Cornish Xs are. The bonus chick is some sort of miscellaneous "rare" breed, and that little thing is half the size of the others! The Xs also seem much hardier. They are so far very physically able (stable, alert, coordinated) in comparison to the bonus chick.

I grew up in a family that butchered chickens, and I helped process as a child and teen. However, I never did the actual killing myself. I'm a little nervous for that part. I know I can do it, but I want to do it well so the chickens are killed as humanely as possible. Are you nervous about butchering?
I have no idea how to butcher myself, so I am getting someone to help me. At least in the beginning until I learn more. The most I ever cut up was a catfish. I am going to give my Cornish another week, then prob move them to a tractor if the weather is nice.
I have no idea how to butcher myself, so I am getting someone to help me.
Just had to comment. Most of us try to avoid butchering ourselves.

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