Opinion on eggs


6 Years
Apr 27, 2016
North Carolina
So my girls just started laying. I got two eggs on Tuesday and I've gotten two today. From the looks of things it appears I have four different eggs so maybe I have four girls laying. I know the two eggs on the left look pretty similar but in reality the bottom left egg is shaped more like the bottom right egg. The two top eggs are similar in shape as well. What do you guys think, 4 different eggs?
Edited to add: I have three bantam frizzle cochins, a silkie, and a japanese black tailed buff that should all be laying or getting ready to lay. I also have 2 silkies, a bantam buff brahma, and two sebrights that are younger that I don't think would be laying yet. I know the top two eggs came from cochins because I caught them sitting on the eggs. They look very similar so I thought it was the same bird but now I'm thinking it wasn't since the eggs look so different. I'm not sure who is laying the two bottom eggs, if they are in fact, two different eggs.
Four Eggs.jpg
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The two on the left look like they're from the same bird - shape can change, but colour often won't vary too much over a short time period. As mentioned, they could be from different hens if all are laying.
Thanks y'all. I just went out to check on them again because we got a new nipple waterer so I wanted to be sure they are using it ok. I found the cochin that laid the egg on the floor of the coop on Tuesday in a nesting box. My other cochin that is similar to that one is the one that laid the top right egg and was sitting on it in the floor of the coop today. So that means the top left egg belongs to the one that's in the nesting box now. Which makes me think the two left eggs are from different birds because I don't think she would have laid an egg already today and be back in a nesting box again. I guess I'll find out if I go out again later and find another egg. :) They're keeping me on my toes. haha!
So my girls just started laying. I got two eggs on Tuesday and I've gotten two today. From the looks of things it appears I have four different eggs so maybe I have four girls laying. I know the two eggs on the left look pretty similar but in reality the bottom left egg is shaped more like the bottom right egg. The two top eggs are similar in shape as well. What do you guys think, 4 different eggs?
Edited to add: I have three bantam frizzle cochins, a silkie, and a japanese black tailed buff that should all be laying or getting ready to lay. I also have 2 silkies, a bantam buff brahma, and two sebrights that are younger that I don't think would be laying yet. I know the top two eggs came from cochins because I caught them sitting on the eggs. They look very similar so I thought it was the same bird but now I'm thinking it wasn't since the eggs look so different. I'm not sure who is laying the two bottom eggs, if they are in fact, two different eggs.
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You could definitely have more than two chickens laying but often the shape will change throughout the first few eggs laid and color will too. Color will stay roughly the same but can get darker, or change shade, or get slightly a different color, as their bodies are figuring it out.

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