Opinion on this baby chick? Live or die?

GOod be patient - when you are new to keeping chickens it can all seem a bit daunting but plently of folk here to help.

Oesdog -
I went out there and noticed him on the ground. The bigger chickens weren't even bothering him. Somehow he slipped through the chicken wire getting away from the mother. But I put him back in there. The eye that is really bad seems to have no feathers on the eye lid part. Could it be because someone pecked him, or is it just an infection like you said?
It is the infection as it is weeping and he is probably rubbing at it. It does sound like conjunctivitus. It is easily cured but if left it can cause issues. Weaken your chick or even cause more serious infection. - I would talk to your parents about getting the wee guy some ointment - how about offering to give some of your own money to help - if you get pocket money this may be a good time to offer it up!!!!

Otherwise all you can do is wash it out regularly as I said but don;t be too hard handed with your baby. gently with warm water and always away from the good eye!!!!!

Oesdog - just try your best and keep pushing him back under his mum!!!
I wouldn't worry about any long term issues with a chicken with a missing eye. That's one of the benefits of being a group animal. If she can't see on one side someone else will.

You sound like a new Mom who has no idea what to do about her new baby!

Truly, as we have all said on this board, your "one-eyed" chick is fine as long as she can handle herself among the others. If she is past needing the heat lamp assuming she is not hanging with her Mom, then keep her warm as others have said.

If she is over that, then let her be. My other chickens didn't treat Kiki any different. They didn't know she could see only out of one eye.

Kiki did very, very well for herself. She was right in the middle of everything having a grand old time.

Relax and enjoy

The eye has no feathers on the eyelid, and it seems to be a little swollen. It's like a white type of color. This is most likely an infection. The chick seems to be to where it can barely see it's food and water, or find the other chicks.
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This is not my chick, but the eye looks nearly the same as this picture:

Your chick looks exactly the way Kiki looked at that age.

I did not get ointment as I considered the damaged eye a "birth" defect. I did, however, very gently clean it with warm water on a cotton square. Very, very gently just dabbed it with warm water. It seemed to help in keeping it clean.

Kiki found her food and water just fine. After all, she still has one good eye.

Do you have any friends in your community with chickens? Ask them if they have dealt with this issue.

I know from reading this board lots of us have had the same experience and you can hear from all of us that a "one-eyed chick" is not a problem. Really it's not. You are keeping an eye on her which is good.

You will feel better if you wipe her eye once a day. Plus, give her some good loven.

It will all be OK...really it will.

Do you mean cotton balls? And the chick acts fine. It actually seems it's been a little better, but when he opens the eye a little bit, it looks foggy back there. Is that eye blind?
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