Opinions about perches


5 Years
Mar 8, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
Hello, I recently decided to get a perch for my African Grey who is a heavy chewer. I was looking for something that might keep her nails trimmed but thats also comfortable and won't cause sores. I was thinking about maybe a calcium or those cuttlefish perches but not sure how good they will be for the nails. I was also reading about the negative effects of sand perches. What type of perches do you normally use? So far my grey has had wooden ones but she always chews through them. Thanks for any future advice, just thought this would be a nice discussion.
I mostly use branches from my trees. Natural wood perches are good, as well as cement perches, like these ones.
Use sticks and branches from outside, nature, natural. The bird would use them In it's natural state to perch on. All my budgies and parrots when I had them had real tree branches as perches that were hung from the roof of there aviary by chain an would rock back an forth to some extend just like real branches. Then they had shelves to sit on aswell with nest boxes that didn't rock back n forth too.
Thanks for everyone’s responses, I will make sure to go branch hunting in the yard later and find a good stick for her. I’ll just take her somewhere later to see if her nails can be cut as they’ve gotten a bit long 😊
I was actually wondering, how do you guys cut your birds nails? Do you take them to the vet? Or do them yourself?
After doing some research I came upon the sweet feet and beak safety pumice perch. Have you guys ever had this one? If you did how was it?
After doing some research I came upon the sweet feet and beak safety pumice perch. Have you guys ever had this one? If you did how was it?
I haven’t had that exact one... I think awhile ago I had a pumice one for the parakeets... I believe they liked it... but I think I accidentally broke it when cleaning their cage.

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