Opinions on fencing for goats

Have you tried chain link? I've never had goats so I don't know if they could jump it or climb it, but I'm pretty certain they would catch hell trying to destroy it.
Haha. You are correct. It is tough. There is some chain link on the property and the few chain link prices we have at our property even the pigs haven’t destroyed. Now that’s tough. Maybe I’ll try to do some pricing on that too. Pricing out now so I can jump on it at moving time
Then there’s chickens and my 2 potbelly’s. I’ve got the chicken figured out as my last set up worked well
At Tractor Supply a 7' T-post is $6.59. An 8' wood post 5" to 6" diameter is $14.99. And they are a lot more work to put in.

You can stretch wire fencing with come-alongs, get knotted not welded. Welded will fail. You'll need a wood H brace at the ends to pull against, T posts every 10' if the land is somewhat flat. You want it tight. Might need hot wire to keep the goats off it.
If that’s the route I go maybe I’ll try knotted
I was just given about 1800 feet of chainlink fence, posts and top rail. I just had to go pull it up and get it back here. Hopefully it's gonna keep predators away from my critters, ill be pulling up the old 5 strand electric fence and put one strand of electric over the chainlink to keep the fence climbers at bay.
One of my neighbors has electric over chainlink and I saw a coon try to climb it. He was doing good till he reached the top and grabbed the top hot wire. Then he looked like Rodney Dangerfield doing a triple lindy back flip when he came off the fence. He started running while he was in the air, and when his feet hit the ground he was gone! :lau
Would 6’ PT 4x4 work? I can’t remember exactly but those are much cheaper. The fence is probably about 4 1/2’ now and seems to work. They’re larger so they can’t clear those fences like some
They would work but I suggest making sure u have them in the ground about a foot or put some sackcrete I. The holes to make sure they are sturdy. The post we have are actually old landscaping post (they are treated.) I think they are around 4 ft apart.
Would 6’ PT 4x4 work?
About $8.35 at Home Depot. If you put it 3' in the ground for stability, you would have only 3' above ground. You would need to concrete each post if you put them only 2' in and now you have even more expense and effort.

I know that people put a strand of hot wire about (goat) chest height to keep them from rubbing. It would likely be beneficial to also put some scratching posts in their area so they can use that instead of the fence.
They would work but I suggest making sure u have them in the ground about a foot or put some sackcrete I. The holes to make sure they are sturdy. The post we have are actually old landscaping post (they are treated.) I think they are around 4 ft apart.
Usually, for 4' fence, you want to put a 6' post at least 2' in the ground. Most professionals recommend to bury 1/3 of a pole.
For a 6' fence you could buy 8' and get away with just burying it 2' , if you have hard ground and you set it in Quikrete. If your soil is very sandy, you may have to bury more than 1/3 of the post to keep it stable. Have you tried digging yet and how sandy is the soil? Post spacing, I think it is every 8-10 feet, but double check online at American Fence dot com.
A single strand of electric fence wire run around the inside perimeter will keep them off the fence. Otherwise they rub on it, and climb on them.

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