Opinions on poop pit

Yea my other coop is overrun with poop. Hard to keep clean that is why I thought about this after having seen an example in an old picture. I am also going to try deep litter in this new one too. My other is a cabinet type and not sure if deep litter will work as well with that.
It looks safe & easy to clean I love it!

Coop looks like a nice size but, a bit heavy!
How do you move?

I keep trying

but, if it is big enough than it's to heavy (If it is light enough I don't feel it is big enough

all tips welcome!

Next time which will probably be next week, I'll try to get some pictures of the tractor when it is hooked to the coop. DH jacked the coop up and put 4x4 skids under it.
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That's a good idea, to surround the droppings pit with wire that has smaller openings. 1" openings could let weasels and rats through.

It looks really good so far!
If you do that, you'll have a permanent poop pile under the coop that you can't clean out...flies, odor, YUCK. Make sure the barriers are removable somehow.

I agree with using some type of 1" hardware cloth to cover the pit and smaller wire elsewhere, for safety's sake. 1" should be wide enough to allow the droppings to fall through. By all means, don't use chicken wire... Some predators can shred that stuff easily.

I think you should make a little wall (like, a foot or two high) in between the droppings pit and the rest of the coop. Otherwise, your bedding material on the coop floor will end up either falling through or blocking the pit opening.
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I have had no trouble with critters trying to get to my big birds. I leave their pop door and run gate open 24/7. The run has wheels on it too and we pull it with the tractor. Last night I was late getting the little ones into the other coop and their pop door was nearly shut and a skunk was attempting to get in but walked off when I ran over. Tonight I'll be waiting with my 410. I think it will be back.

Here is a picture of the skids.
I sprinkle FOOD GRADE DE, Diatomaceous Earth in the litter, in their run, where they dust, in the poop pit. No problems with flies, fleas, mites, lice or any other pests. I just add some DE periodically.
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