Opinions on tbe Farm Innovators 4200 please

5 chicks so far. Chicks being hatched has raised humidity to over 90 percent. Both plugs already out. Gonna try and crack the lid a hair to bring it down.
Another hatched. It got a little help from it's brother or sister. It was pecking and pulling at the membrane then the chick popped out. This one is good and fat like the others but had a little blood at the umbilical. Seems to be Ok though.
When I woke up this morning there was 7 very fat and healthy chicks. 4 Araucana's, 1 Australorp, and 2 Buff Orp/Australorp mix. I have 3 or 4 OEGB eggs, 1 Aracauna, and 1 more mix left. I'm taking all the hatched chicks out today. I read in another thread that you shouldn't until they all hatch. Someone asked if they might cause damage to the other eggs. the thread starter said "no, don't worry about that, you'll do more harm opening the incubator then the chicks will cause." Well I call Shenanigans on that answer. These guys a rambunctious, They are running around like crazy. 4 of the remaining eggs are cracked. Not a pip, or zip. the shell is dented in not pushed out. IMHO I say take them out as soon as you have a dried group. I had 4 dry chicks I could have taken out last night. I think I should have now. I hope the cracked ones aren't damaged and hatch ok.
I forgot to post pictures of my babies hatched in a farm innovator early this week!

I had a 50% hatch. Not too bad considering that the incubator was located in a school and that the teacher was running the show. I just provided the eggs and supplies for the babies after the hatch. Now they are home with me in a small bin brooder until I get the big one built this weekend.

I also have 1 dozen eggs ready to go into the farm innovator incubator, and another dozen on the way! (I have the same incu set up here at home... just calibrating thermometers today)
We will see, I just set 31 Black Jersey Giant eggs in one of the, with all the accessories. My last hatch was a total failure, so I bought this bator to see how it works. I will be building my own bator in the next year or two though, as I have some ideas I would like to implement.

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