
One of my nightly visitors.
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We are setup for action now. Hope to catch both Opossums by midnight, weather visit of young GHO, then position myself on a latter high up in barn with single shot light rifle.

Aeh, not sure where you live, but here it’s illegal to kill any bird of prey.
Very high fine, and/or prison, and confiscation of your guns.
I would be careful posting something like that openly on the web.
Just wondering.
Did something wrong, so here my post again:

Aeh, not sure where you live, but here it’s illegal to kill any bird of prey.
Very high fine, and/or prison, and confiscation of your guns.
I would be careful posting something like that openly on the web.
Just wondering.
Hm, yeah. That’s what I thought.
Guess the best thing is just to “critter-proof” our chicken coops and pens as good as we can.

Hey, the predators have to live too.
I don’t mind loosing a chicken here or there to wild life.
But I had neighbors jack Russel’s tear my pen open twice and kill everything that moved, just for the heck of it. That was not “nice”.

Thinking about it, I actually haven’t lost any birds to predators in a couple of years.
First I lost them constantly, but it seemed the surviving birds learned, and taught their offspring or newcomers!
I’ve actually seen them look up in the sky and trees watching and alarming at any larger bird they spy.
Also think, adding geese and guineas. has helped, they are the “worst” watch-dogs - going off at anything that moves, even at night.

I know not everyone thinks like that, and that’s ok.
Sorry, I’m just a nature girl.
“Live and let live”
(Unless you want to eat it.)
Did something wrong, so here my post again:

Aeh, not sure where you live, but here it’s illegal to kill any bird of prey.
Very high fine, and/or prison, and confiscation of your guns.
I would be careful posting something like that openly on the web.
Just wondering.
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This not appear to be important to this thread.
This not appear to be important to this thread.

If you think it not important if you end up in jail or not for shooting a bird of prey
... ok
It’s one thing to do it quietly on your property, but seems a risk to me, openly posting it on the internet.
Didn’t know if you were aware of that. That’s all.
I found this, "Federal Law prohibits the shooting of most birds that come under a certain description. As an example, ALL raptors or birds of prey are protected. That means all of the hawks, owls, eagles, etc."
How does this apply to what I have posted? More than one person not doing a whole lot of thinking, especially in light of pattern I have established on wildlife management. Very consistent pattern!

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