
I wonder if you could cut down on your predator problems by letting your largest predator patrol your property at night let them do your predator work .just make your pens so they cant get in and let them take care of the harder to keep out predators.of course they wont be able to kill eagles and owls and such so your still have to build to keep them out! If you have coyotes now there would be your best friend as far as keeping the other predetors under control.
Over the years living where there been lions bears wolves coyotes bobcats coatamunges badgers racoons weasels ferrits. I noticed when i got rid of one bad actor a worse one always moved in . For a while you may have to educate the predetors that you already have, untill coyotes move in. Instead of trying to kill the predators you have now , ruin there fun instead make sure they know your their trying to make a meal out of them ! Mark your territory just like a coyote would do .use a bottle to pee in ,use it to mark your territory .each day before night fall same places . When you shoot you want to make them sting good so they teach others , your always there ! use a shot gun with bird shot . Dont aim to kill aim to sting their butts. Make sure they know its you to be afraid of.. mark your territory with that pee bottle ,after a while you wont have to mark so much it will stink to them bad in each spot you daily mark they have you on their minds because of it.. Hopefully you will hear coyotes some day that will take over your job.untill coyotes move in use your Pee bottle to keep the prediators away from where your birds roost and feed to!
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@VerrücktesHuhn, an apology from you is needed otherwise you are trolling.

I had to read the thread multiple times and could not figure out why you came to conclusion I had intentions of harming the owls. On top of that you were flat out rude and had two others (edit increasing that to 3) that apparently did not take time to properly read my prior postings in thread to support your statement. That really ticked me off!

Anyone that has taken time to read my postings on this site concerning wildlife would notice that you suggesting I had intent to harm a raptor is a bit off the mark to be certain.

Here are some examples of my posting related to owls.





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@VerrücktesHuhn, an apology from you is needed otherwise you are trolling.

I had to read the thread multiple times and could not figure out why you came to conclusion I had intentions of harming the owls. On top of that you were flat out rude and had two others (edit increasing that to 3) that apparently did not take time to properly read my prior postings in thread to support your statement. That really ticked me off!

Anyone that has taken time to read my postings on this site concerning wildlife would notice that you suggesting I had intent to harm a raptor is a bit off the mark to be certain.

Here are some examples of my posting related to owls.





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I admit I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I think no one is accusing anyone of anything. My interpretation is information for others who may be lurking and their bulbs might not be too bright either. I hope everyone has a good day, don't worry be happy... I'm sure no one is worrying either.
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