Oprah at the beef packing plant-Feb 1

PepsNick we had around 50 calves born last spring. Bought 1 graft calf for a cow that lost her calf.
Do you know how many of our calves were given antibiotics?


Calf had an abcess along the side of his head just below his ear. No idea the cause.
Vet lanced it and the calf was given about 15cc LA 200.
healed up nicely.

We have a vaccine program to prevent illness in the herd that causes illness and death.

back in 2007 we had pasteurella pnuemonia go through our herd. We had not vaccinated for it.
We lost 15 animals.
We now vaccinate for it.

Have you ever been on hand when an animal is being slaughtered?
Sorry I don't use cutesy words.
Our butcher comes out and get's our steers.
they are killed and gutted here. Then they are taken to his shop skinned, washed and cut in quarters.
Hung on a rail and put in the cooler to age.
After 2 weeks they are cut up as our instructions.
I know what shots these steers have been given, what they ate, what mineral they had.
Some people want to know and some don't.

So check out your local producers for meat.
I don't watch much oprah but I heard she can be a bit biased. There was a scenerio that was all over the Native community when oprah visited the navajo nation. They were excited because this could be a way to show some of their cultural life (such as sheep raising, traditions, respect for elders and families, There is a saying among some navajo communities " sheep is life") and the problems (racism, poverty, promblems that result from isolation including drugs and lack of industry) But when oprah showed up she kept demanding to see a powwow ( something that isn't traditional Navajo) and wouldn't let up until they threw a powwow. They relented because oprah has money and power and they desperatly wanted to be on her show, to be heard and seen. I was flooded with outraged e mails on the situation ( I have a lot of activist friends)
To be fair I never got a chance to catch the show so I am only telling you what was told to me. Since I was not there I can not confirm no deny this, but I would not be suprised. In my experience media does love to put a spin on native issues that adhere to stereotypes, but it seems they are that way with everything. So i doubt it will be anything different with the meat processing plant.
Main stream media love to hard on preconcieved ideas like Natives are drunks/one with the earth/or sex symbols, farmers are backwards/ ignorant/ romantisized, and so on. But i bet I'm preaching to the choir here.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

We are using fewer antibiotics in livestock production than we did in the past (I don't have the references handy)

We must produce 100% more food by 2050 and 70% of that increase must come through technology.

This thread and others like illustrate that fact that a small but vocal portion of our population has painted an incorrect picture of modern agriculture. We as Livestock Farmers must continue to produce animal protein efficiently and utilize technologies to improve prodcutivity and profitability.


1. I would like to know the source on using fewer antibiotics.. It sounds like a good read.

2. Where the population numbers come from for the food increase? National Geographic recently had a good piece on population growth. We are at 7 billion know and they project 9 billion by 2045. The more nations that find financial success the less the growth.
I don't see the 100%. I can see the need for technology.. (Of course not GMO's but what we are learning about not depleting soils and how to rebuild them..) Things like bio char for example... Poor countries need to learn to grow their own food..

3. One can debate what the right path to the same destination is...

I am just shocked this hasn't been shut down yet!?

I'll stay out of this one, as I have no knowledge of the beef industry outside of food inc. and random online articles.

Personally (my opinion only), I just want to see better treatment of any animal, as it gives me a sense of guilt because I wouldn't want to die or live like that.

I don't eat beef though, mainly because I have some issue where my body can not digest beef or pork correctly and it sits in my stomach for days and days and I can't really keep anything else down. Some enzyme or something I'm lacking.

Anyways... debate on!
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That reminds me of a comedian I heard the other night, it was funny...

"If God didn't want us to eat cow he wouldn't have made them so easy to catch."
Farmers have been on the forefront of conserving and rebuilding soils since the dust bowl era. What works for a 20X40 foot garden plot is not feasible to do on hundreds or thousands of acres tho which is what a lot of people do not get. What they think every farmer should be doing because it works in their garden just doesn't work on a larger scale.
That reminds me of a comedian I heard the other night, it was funny...

"If God didn't want us to eat cow he wouldn't have made them so easy to catch."

That comedian obviously has never tried to catch a cow, calf or bull that has found a hole in the fence and gotten out!!
That reminds me of a comedian I heard the other night, it was funny...

"If God didn't want us to eat cow he wouldn't have made them so easy to catch."

That comedian obviously has never tried to catch a cow, calf or bull that has found a hole in the fence and gotten out!!

EXACTLY. Try catching two wild calves through the brush and swamp in Florida. It's not easy at all...but they sure are tasty.

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