Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

I've never heard of a fox stalking a deer either so it had to have been something larger. A coyote is a good guess. Glad Finn was safe and dragged Dad back to safety! Now he's a guard cat, what a guy! Hope you get the work done soon so you can get your fence back up. It's frustrating when you have to chase someone down to finish a job.
Quote: Yes, but he simply refuses to stay inside at night.

I've never heard of a fox stalking a deer either so it had to have been something larger. A coyote is a good guess. Glad Finn was safe and dragged Dad back to safety! Now he's a guard cat, what a guy! Hope you get the work done soon so you can get your fence back up. It's frustrating when you have to chase someone down to finish a job.
I know that a fence won't stop a coyote or fox, but it does slow them down or provide a visual warning when they jump/climb over for Finn or the chickens to see something coming. The land guy was slowed down by bad winter weather, then rain, but he's missed a lot of nice weather, too. Been in progress since December.
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I know that a fence won't stop a coyote or fox, but it does slow them down or provide a visual warning when they jump/climb over for Finn or the chickens to see something coming. The land guy was slowed down by bad winter weather, then rain, but he's missed a lot of nice weather, too. Been in progress since December.
Yep, a fence is more of a deterrent than a "stop". Sort of like putting a security system sign in your yard and hoping the thieves will see it and go to the neighbors house instead of yours.
Quote: Yeah, I guess they can't read my "Beware of Dog" signs on the driveway and side gates, huh?

Coyote definitely. .. Guard Kittay to the rescue.
Yup, I was really worried about the Finnikins last night. He's zonked out in DH's recliner, had a rough night, it seems, all manner of predators after him. When I let the chickens out, Dusty refused to come out. She lowered her head and growled deep and loud, sounded just like a dog. Guess she saw whatever it was out her big window.
Finn has eaten about five mice today, the front ends of them, anyway. He doesn't seem to like the back end with the tail and back legs. Gives new meaning to leaving your butts around.
He also left a fully intact mole, which must not have tasted very good when he killed the poor thing. DH removed it from the premises.
Finn has eaten about five mice today, the front ends of them, anyway. He doesn't seem to like the back end with the tail and back legs. Gives new meaning to leaving your butts around.
He also left a fully intact mole, which must not have tasted very good when he killed the poor thing. DH removed it from the premises.

Yeah, moles don't look like they would taste very good.
They don't look like they taste like "mole-asses", hahahaha! Good one! I guess Finn is a "front end loader" only. I took one of his leavings from Wynette. I'm not sure fur would agree with her. Once when she ate a frog, her crop rebelled and we had to do massage for awhile to get the mass moving.
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