Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

This is how one handles a 7 hour power outage. I was chuckling when someone posted a "How do you scare off a cat?" in the P&P section. I know, I know! Take away his quilt?

Or just turn off the electric blanket in the colder seasons, works for one of ours.

Hey, Scott! That Finn was getting so much hair on my chairs, I had to put cushions on them, but I didn't have enough so put one of his crocheted beds on the last one. He goes to that one every time now. We came up the steps yesterday when my husband said, "Did you hear kitty? I thought I heard a meow." So, he starts calling him. And we're looking over the railing, don't see him, when Tom says, "Here he is!" He was in the chair next to where we were standing, probably wondering why we were calling him. He was just saying hello as we came up onto the deck. Silly humans.
Had a very hard time going to sleep last night, sudden storm, high winds with thunder and lightning, had to shut off all electronics so was almost asleep three times, then, up again. Finally, I was sooooo close to asleep when i heard RAWR! RAWWWWWRRRRR! Cat fight or cat being killed, it sounded like, but I was up like a shot, grabbed hubby and atomic flashlight and went to find Finn.
Finally, we heard him out in the wooded area by the driveway; he meowed, but we could not see him. I went back to bed while DH continued to look and call. He finally located him just sitting under a tree, looking at him. He said, "there you are!" and when Finn's attention was distracted, DH said he heard a WHOMP! as something fell or jumped down from the tree. It was a huge gray cat and it beat feet down the driveway with Finn in hot pursuit. So, he's still very territorial, but it makes it even odder that he will not challenge the black cat that insists on roaming our deck and spraying.
Had a very hard time going to sleep last night, sudden storm, high winds with thunder and lightning, had to shut off all electronics so was almost asleep three times, then, up again. Finally, I was sooooo close to asleep when i heard RAWR! RAWWWWWRRRRR! Cat fight or cat being killed, it sounded like, but I was up like a shot, grabbed hubby and atomic flashlight and went to find Finn.
Finally, we heard him out in the wooded area by the driveway; he meowed, but we could not see him. I went back to bed while DH continued to look and call. He finally located him just sitting under a tree, looking at him. He said, "there you are!" and when Finn's attention was distracted, DH said he heard a WHOMP! as something fell or jumped down from the tree. It was a huge gray cat and it beat feet down the driveway with Finn in hot pursuit. So, he's still very territorial, but it makes it even odder that he will not challenge the black cat that insists on roaming our deck and spraying.

Maybe that black cat has him beat?
Who knows? Maybe this cat last night was a newcomer and Finn was telling him not to come back for a 2nd visit. The cat that lives across the driveway won't even come past the driveway gate, even when it's open. I've seen it sitting right where the gate goes across just looking down the drive and if Finn sees it, he looks at it for a few seconds, then turns his back and comes to me and ignores it. So they apparently have a truce-I think that one is the one he ran up the tree when we first got him.

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