Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

You'd be amazed, though the morning I came face to face with a young bear at my pasture gate, the game camera was tilted ever so slightly too much to the right to catch it, ack! The one time I really, really wanted that photo! The first night, no dark cat. Haven't downloaded the camera today yet to see if he was back last night. No cat fights occurred, at least.

ETA: no dark cat last night, either, but look at these two photos taken of Finn a short time apart. I got a good laugh at the way he comes around that corner exactly the same every time.
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You'd be amazed, though the morning I came face to face with a young bear at my pasture gate, the game camera was tilted ever so slightly too much to the right to catch it, ack! The one time I really, really wanted that photo! The first night, no dark cat. Haven't downloaded the camera today yet to see if he was back last night. No cat fights occurred, at least.

Yikes, a bear would send me running for sure!

I hope the dark cat has found some place else to hang out Cyn. Finn needs his beauty sleep at night!

Yup, a bear. At first, I didn't even realize what I was looking at. It seriously looked like those big wooden sillhouette things you see on lawns, a black painted cut-out. But, then it moved after we stared at each other a few seconds and we went different directions.
Yup, a bear. At first, I didn't even realize what I was looking at. It seriously looked like those big wooden sillhouette things you see on lawns, a black painted cut-out. But, then it moved after we stared at each other a few seconds and we went different directions.

OMG I would have freaked out and ran away! But then I probably would have gotten eaten haha
Wow Cyn, you're like cat central! Finn sure has turned out to be a handsome guy:)

DH keeps saying that he's much better looking than all the cats they use in commercials, LOL. A lot of that was his later-in-life neutering that allowed him to develop that very rounded tomcat head that so many are missing. He is very balanced-looking, I think. And of course, he's such a sweet cat.
As for cat central, not so happy about that, but not much to do about it except get a dog. And DH is convinced that Finn will leave if we do. I say no way, not if we get a puppy he can teach manners to early on.

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