Order Remorse-Help!

I just got 4 WL hens a couple months ago and have had no problems. In fact, if it weren't for them I would only be getting 2 eggs a day (from my 10 hens!). My WL hens lay every single day and, though they're not "lap chickens," they do come running for treats, right along with everyone else!
You'll love your red stars. I got 10 last spring and they are some of the friendliest of all my chickens. I wanted to order more this year... but they were already sold out for the delivery date I wanted. Definitely get the red stars (they are REALLY good layers too)! This year I have 53 chicks - 34 of which are white leghorns. So far they seem pretty friendly (They will be 4 weeks old tomorrow).

I have found that how 'tame' my chickens are is dependent a lot upon how much they are handled and time is spent with them. The only variety I haven't had too much luck with taming are my "Silver Spangled Hamburgs." I can catch them when its roosting time, but they don't like being held.
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I hope you don't end up with any WLH roos-they are flighty, nervous and as well as I treated mine, he was REALLY agressive.
I have some Golden Comet chicks sitting next to me. They are about the friendliest chicks I have had. It isn't the same as a Red Star, but similar.

Don't know much about the temperament of Leghorns, but they certainly lay lots of eggs.

I like brown eggs, so I don't have Leghorns.

I'm sure she was glad to get that out.
If you are looking for friendly chickens, I would not go with the leghorns. Mine was so mean. I hand raised her from a chick. Gave her lots of treats and attention, but she grew up to be the nastiest hen. I had to watch my back. If I bent down to change the feed or water, she would attack me and jump on my back. I could not trust my kids around her, for that reason I will never get a leghorn again. There are so many nicer breeds that lay great - RIR, Australorps, Barred Rocks. I just think if you are the kind of person who likes to interact with your hens, then you may think twice about leghorns.
I havent had a problem with the Leghorns..Actually, I love hatching their eggs and raising them, and they are my favorite of the flock...It isn't so much as how much you handle them, as it is the breeding.
My first leghorn rooster was a jerk...Attacked us everytime he saw us (note- we ate him for supper)...The one I have now is awesome.
They can be flighty, but they will warm up to you - especially if you handle them a lot. They most likely wont be lap chickens, but they will follow you around. Just give lots of treats, and they will love you forever. I barely handled last years stock and they are very friendly. We fed them lots of vegetables, fruits ect this fall, and made sure they saw it came from us. Now the follow/chase us around the farm, and when we go in the coop to collect eggs, they run over and look up and beg...
I wasn't too fond of the stars, just because they seemed dumber (if that's possible) than the other chickens. They were incredibly friendly though!
Both breeds are good layers...Though the WLH's were by far the best producers!

This seems like a subject that you are going to get tons of opinions from! Its great to hear other peoples experiences with the different breeds though

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