Ordering spring chicks....so much fun. What did you get?

We just did our first ever hatch of silver laced Wyandottes. We also picked up a few chicks locally.
couple ameracaunas
a blue laced red Wyandotte
a gold laced Wyandotte
a couple ameracauna Wyandottes mix
a lavender Orpington.
Now we’re just waiting on our speckled Sussex hatching eggs.
We intended to get 6 but I have ended up trending to 18 🫣
  • 6 buff Orpingtons (straight run, 2 so far I definitely think are boys! Not sure what we’ll do with them yet)
  • 6 Rhode Island Reds
  • 6 Barred Rocks
We don’t really have room for 18 with our current setup, so we’ll either have to find other local homes or expand the coop 😅
I vote for expansion! 😂😋
Ordered 10 of the “uniquely and exceptionally rare” assortment from Mt. Healthy.

Has anyone here ordered an assortment from them before? It says they guarantee “at least 3 breeds.” Just wondering if the general experience is that means you get 3 or if they do more if possible. 🤔

Not a huge deal, but it could impact how many we keep vs sell, since the kids like to be able to tell them apart. Don’t want to promise away too many 😅.
I just ordered lavender orpingtons and easter eggers again. We have one of each of those and amber link, barred rock, white laced Wyandotte, buff orpington. Really wanted black maran, cinnoman queen or green egg layer but they wouldn't come till August. That seems so late to me.
Ordered 10 of the “uniquely and exceptionally rare” assortment from Mt. Healthy.

Has anyone here ordered an assortment from them before? It says they guarantee “at least 3 breeds.” Just wondering if the general experience is that means you get 3 or if they do more if possible. 🤔

Not a huge deal, but it could impact how many we keep vs sell, since the kids like to be able to tell them apart. Don’t want to promise away too many 😅.
Only ordered from Alchemist Farm, my one any only time so far… so I’m not sure about the mixed chick situation you’re talking about.

Does anyone have success selling rare breed roosters? I’m not sure how many roosters we’ll end up with (5 straight run- 3 Moss Eggers & 2 2 French Black Cooper Marans), but I’ve been wondering about this. 🤔
I might have to post pics of the chicks on this forum, so you guys can break my heart, telling me they’re all roosters. 😂😋
I definitely want to sell them rather than give them away. I want them to have a good home, rather than being free meat. 😕
Only ordered from Alchemist Farm, my one any only time so far… so I’m not sure about the mixed chick situation you’re talking about.

Does anyone have success selling rare breed roosters? I’m not sure how many roosters we’ll end up with (5 straight run- 3 Moss Eggers & 2 2 French Black Cooper Marans), but I’ve been wondering about this. 🤔
I might have to post pics of the chicks on this forum, so you guys can break my heart, telling me they’re all roosters. 😂😋
I definitely want to sell them rather than give them away. I want them to have a good home, rather than being free meat. 😕
A tip I saw somewhere is to post them for a higher price - like they are a LUXURY rooster to hatch FANCY babies. That can catch the eye of the fancy suburban chicken moms.

You can always lower the price or change tactics later 🤷‍♀️
I got 2 EE and a barred rock... Thanks so much, universe! Here's the story.
Screenshot 2023-03-25 8.39.20 AM.png

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