Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

Lol the scary part is that I think he's serious
His friend at work just bought a house in Portland that has a chicken coop. The friend asked him just how much work chickens are etc...my husband told him to burn the coop now and cut his losses
OMG! I think I need to get remarried
Can you just see Zephyr and Dina there??? LOL

I need to steal this photo.... lol

Talking about photos...a big congrats to Alexis (and me ...anyone else?) for snagging a spot in the BYC calendar! Woohooo!!!!
Chicks... Did I hear chicks? What kind of chicks???
BTW how are your cuties?

Yes yes what kind?!?!?!?!

Sorry guys...just now getting caught up. Her name is Barbara and she is bringing blue, black and splash Orpington chicks and hatching eggs. The chicks are 4 weeks and 1 week at the time of the swap. If you want to get in touch with her about them, please let me know and I'll pass along her email. She is a super sweet lady and is very excited about the swap.
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Welcome and I am glad you will be joining us! I am very sorry to hear about your losses
I'm thinking someone else might have answered you already but cash is fine. Most people do that anyway. I will make sure your items get on the next update. I look forward to seeing you!

Does he need to borrow a table from us? Because my husband still has a few more - just don't let your husband talk to him, mmmkay?

Lol we must set him up way in the back corner
So I am adding two new cheesecakes to the list - a Maple Pecan and Dutch Vanilla made with vanilla schnapps
A woman who works out at the fitness studio with me used to be a pastry chef and is graciously giving me her recipes for these two cheesecakes and also a 3 layer Brownie one she used to sell to restaurants. I'm extremely excited! I am also extending the preorder date by one week...but one week only...so please have all our preorders to me by Sunday, October 9th.
Well, I guess I'm not bringing rabbits after all. I got 2 of them included with a hutch. Too small, wrong breed, too poorly handled by young out-of-control children.

Well, either the people didn't know how old they were or they were starving them, because they have been growing like gangbusters. They are now normal size rabbits. My son has been going out to the hutch several times a day to handle them and they have turned into nice bunnies.

For weeks he's been saying, "They are really turning out well." and "They have certainly tamed down nicely." I'm slow, but finally the penny dropped and I realized he was saying "Let's not sell them."

My son is an adult, not a child, but he's done a lot of work on the rabbits, so if he wants to keep them, I will keep them.

Yikes. Now I have 4 definite does and one mystery gender. The rabbit project is already out of control. My math says I need 2 does for my family.

So. Rabbit Math works like Chicken Math?
Oooh.... please can I change mine from vanilla bean to the Dutch Vanilla??? That sounds scrumtious!!
Oooh.... please can I change mine from vanilla bean to the Dutch Vanilla??? That sounds scrumtious!!

Sure can! Lol I actually thought of you...K7...when she told me about it. K7 wanted anything with booze in it

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