Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

At the spring swap we picked up 2 maran pullets and 2 silkies that were all about the same size (I think they were a month apart in age 3-4 months). We bought 2 silkies knowing how hard they were to determine the sex and since we lived in the city limits we can not have a rooster. As it turned out we have a silkie rooster and a maran rooter. They displayed their aggression towards each other the moment they were put in the brooder pen. We were still not sure at this stage if it was just mixing birds and the pecking order needed to be sorted out or that we did in fact have 2 roosters. We put the silkies in a dog crate to avoid the fights and waited for them to mature

The silkie crowed first and a week later the maran sounded off. We kept the silkie rooster since he was less aggressive and the maran went to the farm.

People’s expectation is that everything will be perfect and no one ever makes a mistake. We are now on a neighborhood good will campaign with the silkie rooster so all the neighbor get to handle him and see if they will tolerate a rooster. So far things are going well and we may be able to keep him to the fall swap. We named him big bird because he acts like the big yellow one on TV that taught me my ABC's.

My advice is to say “I am sorry that you did not get 100 percent hens but if you wanted all hens you should have bought day old chicks from the feed store. The other option is to buy fully mature birds that are laying eggs. At this point that is all the help I can give you."
Ayeup, I am so sorry you are having to deal with these weird people! I hate transactions like that!

Everyone has offered up really good suggestions. What about telling her that she paid $60 (or whatever the amt was) and that is what you will refund? I can't believe she wants a refund then asks for more than she paid!! What a loser! Good luck and let us know what happens!

Hi all,
Question? I'm getting ready to (finally!)
start setting up the fencing I'm using around my coops. I was thinking of placing mulch or something around it just to keep grass from growing so close and to cut down weed eating. What is safe to use around chickens? Types of mulch? Or should I just used something more like gravel or large rocks? I was afraid with the mulch, the chickens might try and eat it. I didn't want them to eat something that might make them sick.
Any ideas?

Oh, AyeUpChuck,

Any news? We are all hoping good!
Ok, so here's my day in fast forward: I won 4 beautiful Serama hens, went deeply in debt lol, got a beautiful sweet little porcelain d'Uccle rooster....this is where it goes to heck in a hand basket....I go outside to do the watering and find my white EE hen in prolapse....quickly scoop her up so she doesn't get pecked and feel crunchy things in her belly. I start digging around in there
....at the same time I hear a loud crash and then all the roosters and hens in the garage going off. With my hand up my chickens vent, I go and see what the ruckus is.....my white Serama hen Reese apparently had a seizure or something and flew into the side of her cage and broke her neck
It's obvious she is dead so I concentrate on the task at hand lol so to speak. In a bath of warm water I get out all the shells and as much yolk as I can along with another fully formed egg and another egg starting to form (intact thankfully. She is doing much better now, just slathered in honey, in a warm cage recovering. All I have is Tylan 50 so I'm dosing her with that and praying we got enough out to prevent infection.

So, how was everyone else's day?
So Sorry...
And I thought I was having a bad day, but after hearing yours, maybe my day wasn't as bad as I had thought!
I guess you can think of it like this, it might be real hard to get any worse so the day has to get better!
What's left of it, anyway!
I hope your little hen gets better and I'm sorry about the serama. Just hate hearing things like that.

But congrats on winning the seramas.
I saw that you had won some. I checked on them earlier, but all she had left were a couple of roos and thats when I noticed your name on a few. (at least I hope it's a congrats!
Does your hubby know yet?) Tell him to considerate them an anniversary present!
WOW! Well I thought I had a crap day! We bought a half of organic free range angus from a friend who was supposed to deliver it and her dad had a stroke last minute so we had to pick up everything and head on out to Basin City WA which is literally in the middle of nowhere. Graham got super cranky half way so we decided to rent a hotel room and stay the night so he wouldn't have to do a round trip. I booked a motel6 room "close" ie an hour away from BFE and was excited cause it had a pool. Well that was all well and good except there was no AC and it was 92 in our room at 930 at night. Got Graham to sleep around 12 shortly followed only to find myself wide awake and very uncomfortable at 3am... haven't slept since. I still haven't heard back from psycho with my quad of chucks..... finally came home to find that my neighbor who was supposed to put the chucks to bed, turn a set of my eggs and let them out in the morning did none of that..... luckily the dogs got out of the gate and were camped out on the perimeter of the coop..... now I have to candle my eggs to see if they're still viable as I also found the ones he was supposed to turn were at 105..... not expecting anything.....

I need a DRINK! You with me Laura?!?!?!? In fact, I need that drink while I float in your pool Jeanine!

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