Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 22 - Corvallis @ the Fairgrounds!!!

WOW! Well I thought I had a crap day! We bought a half of organic free range angus from a friend who was supposed to deliver it and her dad had a stroke last minute so we had to pick up everything and head on out to Basin City WA which is literally in the middle of nowhere. Graham got super cranky half way so we decided to rent a hotel room and stay the night so he wouldn't have to do a round trip. I booked a motel6 room "close" ie an hour away from BFE and was excited cause it had a pool. Well that was all well and good except there was no AC and it was 92 in our room at 930 at night. Got Graham to sleep around 12 shortly followed only to find myself wide awake and very uncomfortable at 3am... haven't slept since. I still haven't heard back from psycho with my quad of chucks..... finally came home to find that my neighbor who was supposed to put the chucks to bed, turn a set of my eggs and let them out in the morning did none of that..... luckily the dogs got out of the gate and were camped out on the perimeter of the coop..... now I have to candle my eggs to see if they're still viable as I also found the ones he was supposed to turn were at 105..... not expecting anything.....

I need a DRINK! You with me Laura?!?!?!? In fact, I need that drink while I float in your pool Jeanine!

Wow. That sucks about your eggs. Glad your dogs were doing their job and kept your other birds safe.
I feel terrible that so many of you had bad days.
Ugh I'm sorry about everyone else's bad day too! I guess to top mine all off...it's my 23rd wedding anniversary today lol. Happy Anniversary:lol: to me So yeah, I'll be having that drink...quite a few of them very soon
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Happy Anniversary! I thought it was tomorrow for some reason. And I'm havin that drink with you right now soul sister! Don't let it get ya down!
Happy Anniversary! I thought it was tomorrow for some reason. And I'm havin that drink with you right now soul sister! Don't let it get ya down!

Nah, lol can't let it...just gotta keep going!
I am enjoying the little seramas on the lawn tonight... Xander is a little lovebug!!! They are so pettable.... happy anniversary!!!!
No catastrophy here today... yet! I'm sorry for all you whose days went down hill fast (I've had my share so I undestand).

I am still waiting on the last ewe to pop. I was talking to a neighbor yesterday and she asked if I can induce labor?! After reading about the prolapsed and egg-bound hens this morning, I wonder if I should go in after those lambs?!
She is starting to look uncomfortable and she gives me these looks like "you did this to me!". Everyone else just popped their lambs out without warning. This breed is known for easy lambing, and they are great moms. She looks like today must be the day! I am the one with the waiting issue, not the ewe. lol.

We had twin girls born yesterday AM to a first-time mom. So the tally is 2 sets of twins, 1 single, and 1 still pregnant ewe.
That's so awesome! So I know who to turn to when we start real talk of raising sheep!
maybe we could even get some of your stock. That's not gonna be for some time but it's exciting all the same!
Congrats on the furry babies Gnarley!

I have 6 bouncy baby oregon grey turks this am! YAY! They are adorable.
My goats are due next Friday! I am so excited!!
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