Oregon Fall Poultry Swap - October 27, 2012 in Corvallis!!!

Is any one interested in Midget White turkeys?

I'm thinking about buying hatching eggs, but worry that I might get a good hatch and end up with more turkeys than I want. (we can dream, can't we?)

They are usually $10 when first hatched. They'd be 4 months old by swap time, and I could probably get them sexed by then. So maybe $25 each? I might have pairs for sale.
Is any one interested in Midget White turkeys?

I'm thinking about buying hatching eggs, but worry that I might get a good hatch and end up with more turkeys than I want. (we can dream, can't we?)

They are usually $10 when first hatched. They'd be 4 months old by swap time, and I could probably get them sexed by then. So maybe $25 each? I might have pairs for sale.
Good luck with the hatch-- excited to see how it goes ! I wish I had more room :)
Is any one interested in Midget White turkeys?

I'm thinking about buying hatching eggs, but worry that I might get a good hatch and end up with more turkeys than I want. (we can dream, can't we?)

They are usually $10 when first hatched. They'd be 4 months old by swap time, and I could probably get them sexed by then. So maybe $25 each? I might have pairs for sale.
Please tell me more about these turkeys. Mature weight, when they are considered mature, stuff like that. You can PM me. Just curious now, cause if I say I want some my family will kill me!
Ooh, I love the midget whites, probably shouldn't do that this year though....I've heard they are one of the best tasting turkeys though.

See my website below for more details on the birds. We will be doing event pricing again- 20 to 25 % off our website prices.

Swedish Flower Hens-Pullets (12-16 weeks old at the time of the swap), a few roo's, straight run chicks, hatching eggs. This is our main breed and our flock was culled down from 26 chickens. Our two main roo's were very early maturing and huge compared to the rest, as well as being well marked. We are going for a true dual-purpose breed ideally suited for free-ranging. We have three different bloodlines of these gorgeous chickens.

Cream Legbar-Sexed chicks, pullets, roos, hatching eggs. Chicks are autosexing (male and female look different at hatch), blue egg layer. We did some culling here too, so I'm down to 2 very nice pairs of these and will have the chicks and eggs marked if you'd like unrelated ones. These are also known as Crested Cream Legbar.

Sizzles (Frizzled and smooth hard feathered silkies). Most of my sizzles are 10+ generations, purchased as eggs from here: http://californiacountryranch.blogspot.com/p/sizzle-chicks-overdose-of-cute-showpet.html. We will be using quality silkies where we can to improve type, although we are pretty impressed with Sheri's chickens. .

Silkies, Porcelain Chicks out of my new pair: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/666900/buy-it-now-nice-young-porcelain-silkie-pair. Should have a few (very few) hatching eggs to bring as well.
Silkies, Porcelain and Lavender Juveniles. I'm hatching 2 1/2 dozen lav & porcelain eggs from Catdance. Should definetely have nice boys and will probably also have a few hens available.


Cheese cake-Chocolate Guinness :)
Egg baskets-large
Tulip bulbs-parrot type
Hatching eggs from Hattrick Line Silkies, Cuckoo Silkies, Rhodebar
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Hi Skye,

We live in Colton and will be going to the swap (we bought a little Cuckoo Marans and an Australorp from you at the spring swap) We might be able to haul some stuff down for you if you need it. We likely won't be taking anything...maybe some turkeys?? Not sure, only sure I will be coming home with stuff!!!


Hi DeAnna, Thanks for the offer, I will keep that in mind. What kind of turkeys are you bringing? I hope you are enjoying your pults!
Hi DeAnna, Thanks for the offer, I will keep that in mind. What kind of turkeys are you bringing? I hope you are enjoying your pults!

They would be Royal Palm...and it's possible that some of them will be RP/Wild Eastern X. The day we went to pick up our hen, we were told and could see a stray Eastern Wild tom hanging around the ladies property. He apparently mated our hen. He was gorgeous! I'd never seen one close up. He was also huge..Im amazed he didn't squish her to death. We have also seen Strut (our RP tom) mate her. She is sitting on 14 eggs right now. I picked out three yesterday and candled them. All three had babies in them...so excited! This is our first time though...so I'm not sure what to expect.
I've been starting to wonder if the Australorp we got from you might be a roo....but I don't have any experience with Australorps and I keep going back and forth. "Pip" is the little Cuckoo Marans we got from you...she is the sweetest thing ever. She talks a lot..but very quietly. She is the first one to the front of the pen to say hello. Always more curious than the rest.
They would be Royal Palm...and it's possible that some of them will be RP/Wild Eastern X. The day we went to pick up our hen, we were told and could see a stray Eastern Wild tom hanging around the ladies property. He apparently mated our hen. He was gorgeous! I'd never seen one close up. He was also huge..Im amazed he didn't squish her to death. We have also seen Strut (our RP tom) mate her. She is sitting on 14 eggs right now. I picked out three yesterday and candled them. All three had babies in them...so excited! This is our first time though...so I'm not sure what to expect.
I've been starting to wonder if the Australorp we got from you might be a roo....but I don't have any experience with Australorps and I keep going back and forth. "Pip" is the little Cuckoo Marans we got from you...she is the sweetest thing ever. She talks a lot..but very quietly. She is the first one to the front of the pen to say hello. Always more curious than the rest.

O I love the mystery mixes they are so much fun! We just hatched out a turkey that came from a pen with several diffrent breeds in it, so who knows what he/she is going to look like. I am hoping to get my hands on some royal palm eggs soon, we will be holding back a few hens from the hatch and then looking for a tom..... Good luck with your hatch, few things are cuter than baby turkeys! Australorps are so hard to tell, I've always had a hard time with them, but if "she" ever crows I will gladly swap him out for another hen. Im glad "Pip" is working out so well for you and has stayed friendly, we try to give all our chicks alot of attention and handling. Let me know if you have any extra turkey babes runnin around!
Information about the Midget White Turkeys:

The midget toms will weigh 15-20 pounds full grown. The hens will weigh 8-12 pounds full grown. Toms will dress at approximately 11 pounds.

They are not aggressive and they always come out number 1 rating in any turkey taste test.

They are heritage turkeys, so they get butchered at 6-8 months and are still tender and good after they turn 1 year old if you want to let them grow that long. I'm hoping that they fit real nice into a turkey fryer.
O I love the mystery mixes they are so much fun! We just hatched out a turkey that came from a pen with several diffrent breeds in it, so who knows what he/she is going to look like. I am hoping to get my hands on some royal palm eggs soon, we will be holding back a few hens from the hatch and then looking for a tom..... Good luck with your hatch, few things are cuter than baby turkeys! Australorps are so hard to tell, I've always had a hard time with them, but if "she" ever crows I will gladly swap him out for another hen. Im glad "Pip" is working out so well for you and has stayed friendly, we try to give all our chicks alot of attention and handling. Let me know if you have any extra turkey babes runnin around!

If these babies survive my inexperience I will let you know. Freebie (the RP in my avatar) had better be a hen or my heart will be broken. If she turns out to be a tom, I will likely not keep him. I want pb RP's so I will not be keeping any of the mixes either.

Here is a picture of Asta...the tail feathers are what throw me.

Here she is standing next to my Orpington roo.

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