Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

Dang it Laura! Don't let me look at those pics!

Ok, don't look at those...look at the ones I put there tomorrow
Thank you for the quick update. We're planning on attending and soaking it all in.


1 pre-order chocolate chip with chocolate crust cheesecake for my husband, and I'm an easy mark to purchase another when we get there. Buckeye sounds intriguing...
Got you down for a chocolate chip! If you'd like a Buckeye too, let me know because I won't be bringing one to the swap. It is a peanut butter and chocolate one, like the Buckeye candy (I'm from Ohio).
Ok...I just candled ALL of my eggs...I am going to scream!!!!!
One of the turners was UNPLUGGED!!!!!
I don't know how or why, the plug-in is almost completely inaccessible...but sho' nuff...it was sitting there where it was supposed to be, but it was pulled out just enough that the turner was off. I lost ALL of my Serama eggs, and several others for sure, maybe that whole bator. I didn't see any movement in any of the other eggs either...we shall see, 26 eggs went into lockdown anyway.
Zanna -
I've been trying to find a blue or a wheaten Marans without feathered legs - are any of your wheaten Marans chicks clean legged? If so, do you think you'll be able to determine sex by the time of the swap? I would be interested in a wheaten pullet chick.

Also, could you please bring me a jar of creamed honey if still available? Thanks!
I am so very sorry Cloverleaf!

I need (truly) a couple/few chicks (?) for my nephew. Got permission to get him some. Mom thinks he'll bond best with chicks but I know he needs to get females (his mom is freaked about roosters from childhood). Ideas? You can PM me. I may just have to do the sexlink thing but would really rather get some from one of you who wants them to be pets. They will be eventually outside in a nice shed situation. So, if you can sex your chickies lets talk or if you have a suggestion I'm all ears. I was hoping I could convince her to let me get a couple pet hens (still might and then darn, just have to keep them, right). PM or e-mail me as needed.

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