Oregon Spring Poultry Swap May 5, 2012 in Canby!!!

wildrose41 and I had a wonderful time, Thanks to all who worked hard on the swap and all that came. Wildrose41 got herself two new RIR's to add to her three ladies. I was on the hunt for Nankin Bantams. whidbeylife4me had a breeding pair from Washington and 24 eggs. Thank you whidbeylife4me, I have them home and they are going great the roo is a real sweetie. Rocky Maley had a dozen Nankin eggs for me, and at the end of the day sent childrens FFA Nankin Bantams home with me to Roseburg so I could pass them on to the FFA in Roseburg. Great job Rocky Maley! I will be abal to add to that so the FFA and 4H in Roseburg, Oregon will each get a mixed flock of 12 Nankins each.
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy http://www.albc-usa.org/ "Founded in 1977, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy is the pioneer organization in the U.S. working to conserve historic breeds and genetic diversity in livestock." List the Nankin Bantam as Critical on ALBC Conservation Priority List. I enjoy the Nankins for their loving ways, my flock likes to get up on my lap and eat out of out hands, or just just walk all over us, they are a joy to have.
Rod & Carol

PS Thank you all for taking my business cards and keeping your eyes and ears open for Nankin Bantams. God Bless All, Rod & Carol

Gramps Nankin Bantam Roo
Feb. Hatch Toostey & Taffey
April Fools Day Hatch Princess and ?????? & ????????
Well, the swap goes on. Just sold my cute little goat to a lady that wanted him from the swap. lol. Thanks Zanna for passing on e-mails, that seems to be a very happy family and I suspect it is a mother's day present for the MIL who truly wanted the little guy.
I can offically say, nothin really for sale at this farmstead right now, yeah!!!!
Well, the swap goes on. Just sold my cute little goat to a lady that wanted him from the swap. lol. Thanks Zanna for passing on e-mails, that seems to be a very happy family and I suspect it is a mother's day present for the MIL who truly wanted the little guy.
I can offically say, nothin really for sale at this farmstead right now, yeah!!!!
So glad that worked out! She seemed very dissapointed that you had left the swap already, I figured it was a done deal but you never know..........
I forget who was the lady at the booth with all of the paint silkies?
I am interested in maybe picking up a couple from her but
can't remember her name so I can't get ahold of her???? lol
Thank you so much for organizing, what a great event!!! We had a good time, things were a bit slower even amongst the other swappers this year - we have never come home with pullets before, and this time we did, but we still sold a lot of birds and glad we were able to sell/trade/etc. lots of eggs. Hope everyone has good hatches!

Oh, and for those who headed out early - you missed the most impressive bird at the swap! :D

What did you guys come home with, and are they at your place or Rhonda's? :) PM me...
Early results, ok guesses, on the chicks purchased:

5 SF from Jeanine: at least 3 roos
5 Orp/Del mix from Zanna: at least 3 roos
1 EE from Zanna: too early to tell

So, out of 11 chicks at least six are roosters....grrr! LOL!!

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