Oregon Summer Poultry Swap, Redmond, June 18th

So excited for the swap! I'm going to go back and just edit the current list instead of doing a whole 'nother post.

Does ANYONE have high quality American or other heritage hatching eggs, nice show/breeding lines?

OH... and to add to your signature line....


Oregon Summer Poultry Swap

Do that, but without the "code" part
Thanks so much for making this a great swap you guys!!
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Oregon Blues, do you have any cull eating birds I could buy off you? I'm trying to expand my roasting horizons.. even an older bird to crock pot would be just fine by me
I haven't had any goose or duck since I was a kid!
I told several people about the poultry swap at the chicken coop tour this weekend. I can email people about it as well who I know here in the Bend area. I also ordered my incubator so I will be setting some eggs next week when it arrives. Plus I can colect all the aforementioned fertile eggs for people if they reserve them.
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WallTenters, I might have some by the fall swap. All I've got now is my breeders and some hoped for ducklings and goslings arriving soon.

But yes, I expect to have some table birds.

I've never had a roast goose. I keep drooling when I look at my adult geese. No wonder they hiss at me.
Woohoo it's final! Fireman's Lake it is!! The gal at the city of Redmond is mailing me the forms and everything we need to fill out - WE ARE ON!
This is the email I sent out to those on the email list. I know the want list is maybe a bit outdated, but I think most of the details are there...


Location: Redmond, Oregon – Fireman’s Lake Park
Time: June 18th, 2011 starting around 9:30am, going until we’re done – I hope all day! Feel free to show up late or early!
Fees: None, zip, zero!

There will be a potluck style lunch. Feel free to bring anything, everything or nothing, just make sure you bring your self (and a million friends!). No fee for booths – bring your own tables. Anything remotely country welcome. Arts and crafts, vegetables and fruit starts and trees, of course POULTRY and other small animals, including LGDs (real LGDs please – your Pomeranian puppies are not LGDs). It will be June, and even though there are lots of trees but bring a shade canopy if you have one so that those without a canopy can use more of the natural shade.

I am really looking forward to this!! I think we are going to have a wonderful time!

Please feel free to email me with a Wants/Bringing list and I will update this email group with that information every few days or so. It’s always wonderful to know if you need to bring extra stuff. Also, I’ve found with other swaps it is wonderful to have a booth partner – someone you trust to leave your booth to so you can go wander, and they can do the same. If you know of any friends that would like to partner up, it’s something to think about now. I will be pretty busy at the swap but if you need to you can grab me for ten minutes so you can go around and buy what your heart desires!

Backyard Chickens Forum Topic: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=491182&p=1


PLEASE BRING ONLY HEALTHY ANIMALS! No one wants to see any animal in poor condition. If you have such an animal at home, take it to the vet. *some animals this time of year are going into molt, and may still be a bit rough looking by the swap, that’s fine*

All animals must be properly contained. That includes dogs on leashes and birds properly held or caged. We want to be welcome back to the Redmond parks next year, so please be prepared to pack out what you pack in, including cleaning up any larger amounts of litter material that falls out of the cages as well as you can. No need to bring a vacuum, but I hope we can all keep the park looking neat and pretty for the next folks that come along.

I also wanted to say, please be respectful with your dogs. The last swap I went to there was a woman walking by with a small dog (leashed, thankfully) that was barking and growling at a cockerel I had in a crate. She saw no harm in this and was laughing about how the dog wanted to ‘play’, but it was very distressing for the young bird. I love my chickens as much as I love my puppies, and I don’t want anyone or anything to be unnecessarily stressed!

Let’s all just have a great day filled with fun!


I am hoping to find someone(s) to man a crafts table for any families with small children that might stop by. Any responsible kid types that would like the task? I was thinking some egg decorating with stickers, a few chicken or bunny or garden coloring sheets with some crayons… something like that. I can get the needed supplies, and I’m hoping my niece will be here to help with this table, but in case she can’t make it over the mountain I’d love to find someone local willing to help out. Who knows, this job may be pretty slow or really busy!

Would also love a second back up person for the raffle tickets.


We MAY have an attendee-voted “best presentation” competition? Anyone have any input on this? I think it’s always nice to at least recognize the person that puts on a good presentation  I wouldn’t mind picking up a camping chair or something for a prize.


All raffle prizes are DONATED. All raffle tickets will be FREE. Please get just one ticket per person when you arrive. Please email me if you have something (small or big) you’d like to donate. First name drawn gets their pick of the available prizes, then the second name, etc etc etc.

- 6mo Backyard Chickens Forum Golden Feather Membership (donated by WallTenters aka me)
- A small brooder built by my dear honey bunches of oats (yes, that's what I call him!) (donated by WallTenters aka me)
- Incredible Goat Milk Soap! (donated by K7Menagerie)
- Feed bag tote (donated by Celtic)

Current Want/Bringing List….

Wall Tenters (aka Heaven)

- Hatching eggs, Dominiques, Orpingtons, Americaunas and EEs.
- Possibly some Japanese Bantams if Rhonda's boys have made their decisions on who they're keeping by then.
- Will probably have a few started pullets, cockerels and chicks of the breeds above.
- May have some young real Jersey Giant chicks, high quality birds.

- Always want show/breeder quality hatching eggs, I love American and English breeds, heritage is always good
- Started plants! I need them!! And food, I love fresh food.
- I will pay a small fee for heritage/dp meat birds, price depends on age and quality of flesh, they will be going to chickie heaven right after the swap.
- Might consider a nice B/B/S Orpington pullet or two, nice large show/breeder quality birds
- A nice Blue Americauna pullet with lines to compliment what Rhonda's got already... please email me - my inbox is super full!
- Eating duck or two. I've never cooked a whole duck and would like to try a couple. Maybe trade for eggs? Or will pay asking price


- Beaded Jewelry
- 2 black male runners and 2 chocolate "runners", will be 12weeks at swap (photos page eight)


K7 Menagerie

- Goat Milk's Soap - awesome soap!!
- Two nesting boxes, 4 holes each (photos page eight)



- Eggs (? varieties ?)
- Crafts - details coming


PiperOmar (aka Laurel)

- One Hink Jk Lavender Orptinton Rooster...he is gorgeous! hatched 8/2/10
- One English Import Blue Rooster hatched 9/17/10...also equally as gorgeous
- I can take reservation for two 1/2 dozen French Wheaten Marans eggs
- Lavender Orpington Fertile Eggs...all Hink lines
- Maybe some B/B/S Englsh Orp fertile eggs....exhibition quality
- I will also have fertile Lav Am/Lav Orp eggs.....Lavender Olive-Eggers!
- Dark Brahma hatching eggs...I have had nearly 100% fetility on these
- Salmon Faverolle hatching eggs

- One of Jeanine's lovely little Fav pullets for Henry....you know of which I speak, Jeanine!
- Another lovely Wheaten Marans pullet
- Maybe a nice off-the-ground brooder

Oregon Blues


- Blue American female Goose, would like to trade a 1yr old Saddleback Pomeranian goose
- Wizbang Plucker
- Exhibition quality Saddleback Pomeranians, either gender, either buff or gray, gosling or adult


- heritage Narangansett turkey poults
- possibly some more BC Marans pullets/cockerels



BRINGING (if requested)
- 2 Porcelain d'Uccle cockerels 5 weeks old right now....about 10 weeks at the swap (very nice looking!)
- 6 week old blue splash marans cockerel ...would be 11 weeks ate the swap. (super nice looking with feathered feet)
- 3 Buff Brahma bantam hens 11 months old now....1 year old at swap. Well handled and laying well.
- Possibly a white silkie hen 11 months old now...1 year at the swap. She is pet quality, but super broody. Also well handled and tame.


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