
I can offer you lots of fertile eggs, varying breeds...but all of them are fathered by Barred Rock roos. I have three roos and they are all Barred Rocks, except one took after his momma and is a rose comb.
I know this will go unanswered until monday cause everyone but me has a "weekend life", but I was wondering if any of you guys have noticed any signs that a hen may be thinking about going broody? I have a hen that growls at me like she wants to bite my face off when I open the door to the nest box. She will suit in there for hours, then snap out of it and go back out. But now she has become very vocal, but it's only real soft little clucks. And when she does it she looks like she it's looking for something. Any input? If she is, I hope I can find some eggs to put under her if she does go broody.

What breed of hen is she?? Can you give her some wooden eggs and see if she is serious? If she does decide to commit, you just trade out the wooden eggs for the fertile eggs and hopefully she puts in the time. I could probably come up with some eggs for you............ PM or e-mail me. If you want her to get back to laying sooner, you could put some newly hatched chicks under her and let her raise them............
I put my broody hens in a dog crate that is wire and elevate it off the groung- no hay.During the day I don't let her in the coop. After three days of cool air under her cush - she's back to normal.
She is a hatchery quality blue laced red wyandotte.
I Left a handfull of todays eggs in there to see if she will go full swing. I hope she does. I would totally let her hatch some chicks. Oh, I just remembered I have ceramic eggs I can put in there to temp her. Cross our fingers. I'll report later. Thanks for the offers.
And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one home on friday nights. Its cool though. I share them with my boys. They will be 2 and 5 on the 6th and 16th of this month.
I'm home weekend nights as well. Gues we're boring, but id rather be home than out spending money in the bars..... plus,ni have baby chicks! So I will stay home and watch them on my Friday night,

I have fertile eggs too, but I'm probably too far away.
So to all you silkie bad talkers
I got my two silkies to eat and drink outside just fine. All I had to do was .............. give them the bowls they used inside
I so love silkies but REALLY you can only drink out of the maroon plastic crock not the black or silver???, sigh.
On a fun note (kid break is why I'm on puter now) have chicks due Monday and a goat looking like
she'll kid at any moment. LOVE SPRING
And to hicktownmom -
howdy, I miss it over there. Went to school in Prineville and miss the dry days though not the brown grass, haha.
I'm about twenty minutes east of Bend...anyone near me?

Yeah, I am. I'm in CRR. That's considered close in this part of the world.

There is a show breeder in Sisters and I think that "laurel" is out near you. Also two of our active members are in Madras.

Lots of poultry breeders who raise good birds, but those are the ones I know of on BYC.
ps Starting a Hobby farm for Nankin Bantams, a very old rare breed and a smart one as they are so small they have been kept as pet for 100's of years, I will also have a breeding trio of Black Australorp another rare breed, OK enough rare stuff I have a blue laced red Wyandoote BantIm girl, she just started laying sweet little eggs, hope to get her a roo at SpringSwap. I have assorted colorful layers coming in May from Purely Poultry.
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