
Oooh nice! I drive through Murphy all the time and went to high school at Hidden Valley. Really pretty place. It's nice that the market opened back up, we also tried the Buckboard Grill and it was pretty good!
Welcome! DD is graduating from HVHS on Wednesday. I'm out the other way, no man's land between Wilderville and Grants Pass.
Hi I am on the coast in Siletz Oregon
Hi to all the web-foots!

We're natives, and have 10 acres in the country near Sheridan (southeast of McMinnville).  We've been discussing and planning our coop/run design, breeds, etc. for quite some time, but it's time to make it a reality.  We culled the used building materials stores in Salem today (best:  ReStore, the Habitat for Humanity store in Salem, and a good cause, too!).  We now have our materials and we're starting construction tomorrow .... yippee!  And, tonight, we ordered our chicks, which will arrive the week of July 21.  30 chicks (15 layers, 15 meat), and the delivery time is good to complete the construction of our coop and run setup.

Anywho ... just wanted to give a shout out to our neighbors.  I'm sure we'll make mistakes, and have lots of questions ... and, hopefully we'll be able to share our failures and successes to help others who are new to raising chickens, too. 

I have raised chickens previously ... grew up on a farm, but it's been 20 years, so I have a lot to learn (and remember!).  The hubby is excited about this venture, though he has never raised poulty.  It will be an adventure, for sure!

Gotta love the sun, but what happened to Spring???


What's the rescues website?

Sanctuary One, but they likely wont take him. Last I was there, they already had one rooster, and won't tale another. But it doesnt hurt to ask! Try Craigslist, or ask at the feed stores if you can put up a sign. People will be looking for roos for breeding!

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