
Hello everyone been to long since ive been on anyone hace suggestions on books for raising chickens i juss want some more information abd what do yall think this lil obe is a roo or hen causr ive been told both i think its a roo

That is a cockerel, and a handsome one too. Looks to be about 15-18 weeks? I have a digital copy of Raising Chickens for Dumbies. Very informative, easy read. Has good drawings and pics to reference.
My gosh, it's cold this morning. 18 degrees at my house in Damascus! Everything covered in frost. My girls are sure happy for their heat lamp. I'm happy for the heated water thingy so I don't have to break ice every morning.
Think I'll make them some oatmeal this morning for breakfast.
It was 4 inches think on my horse tank yesterday. My soon-to-be-ex husband would never allow me to buy a tank heater because he thought it wasn't worth the expense. Since he left on Friday, that was the first thing I went to buy at the feed store. It's lovely to have a thawed out tank this morning for my boys!
Hey Chicken Tamer,
I see you roleplay but I do not do D&D style lol.

Hey guys, hubs and I are looking for friends to make and visit or come out to visit. We dont have kids or dont mind them we are just bit... lonely for company. We do games, movies, pets, books and fun things, we just need a couple good set friends. You are welcome to bring favorite pet or whatever. Anybody feel like a get together? We are both early 30's so still young enough to have fun, hub is into some sports, me more into animals, art and games and fun things lol. Come see our two, meet the zoo and have fun :)

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