
I just hatched some backyard crosses, The roo is an Easter Egger, and the hens are my best winter layers, a RIW & a WL. I'm debating on whether I should sell some as chicks or wait until spring and they're a bit older...what do you all think?

These are the RIWxEE chicks. cute little balls of fluffiness.

Awwwww! You don't want to part with the chickies? I can understand that. But if you sell them now, you won't have to deal with the whole cockerel thing! (Unless you've sexed them?)
I need to re-home a bunch of roosters. I have several kinds, two age groups.

I have one red feather footed bantam from Spring 2012.

I have two Easter Egger roosters from early summer 2012.

I have several breeds of September cockerels ... Gold Laced Wyandotte, Easter Egger, Jersey Giant, Cuckoo Marans, Barred Rock, not sure what else ...

And I have a handful of home-hatched mutts. I think one is a Easter Egger female/Buff Orpington male (this one MIGHT be a female, but I doubt it), two appear to be full-blooded Brown Leghorns, one that is a cross between the red feather-footed bantam roo and possibly a Rhode Island Red hen.

I might have missed something, so just ask if you're interested. I can post photos, though some of the cockerels are looking a bit awkward with a "no tail" phase.
Haven't sexed them... But I plan on processing all the cockerels mid summer. I just like the little chickies...Do think its easier to sell chicks or older birds?

Good question and I have no idea what the real answer is, but man it's hard for *me* to resist chicks. I have some people recently ask if they can take a few of my September pullets, who are just now at POL, so obviously some people prefer to let others go through the "cute" stage for them.

Those little white balls would be impossible for me to part with. Squeeeeeee!
I listed them. If they don't sell, I'll try later in the year. http://eugene.craigslist.org/grd/3594122174.html

That seems like the "smart" answer!
Two of my old English game bantam eggs hatched. Those are tiny lil' chickens! Will get pictures for you tomorrow. My silkie is raising them. Question I brought her in with the two that hatched but have about another 10 eggs that are either old English or silkies. They aren't able to free range after a hawk attack so they take turns in the free range pen. My question is as they hatch would my silkies welcome the new chicks. I have a warming light in there now so I could pull the hen out but they seem to thrive with a momma to sow them the ropes. Any thoughts? Also if you are looking for chicks let me know I only want to keep a couple out of this hatch.

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