
Lost another Silkie chick(14 weeks) this morning. She was fine yesterday, no sign of injury. I am having serious issues with this breeder's bloodline. 5 of 7 dead in 3 months. REALLY. And the breeder wont reply to email. I am tempted to stop by her house, not sure if that would fix anything.
I lurk over here and sometimes post on the WA thread, but had to jump in to say I am so sad for you TPT!!!! I bet your wife is heartbroken. It sounded like she really loved those critters!
hello all,
New Egg here doing research for my first flock. Just bought property and can't wait, moving in June. I already ordered some Guinea Fowl from the Grange to help with the tick problem, they will arrive in May. We are looking at getting 8-10 chicks after we are settled. Want a very friendly breed that lays a good average amount. Any suggestions?
Cannot go wrong with an orpington of any color.
Thanks! Thought I had checked there, apparently not!
The info is also in the newsletters, which I happen to be the editor of ;) Both the spring and fall shows this year are at the Clark County Fairgrounds. The spring show is not in the Event Center building, but in a building next door to it. The Fall show IS in the Event Center building. Third weekend of October.

The Salem rental was extremely expensive, and while many of us liked the venue a great deal, there were a lot of complaints about the surrounding area. I don't know if we'll ever be back there in the future or not.
Lost another Silkie chick(14 weeks) this morning. She was fine yesterday, no sign of injury. I am having serious issues with this breeder's bloodline. 5 of 7 dead in 3 months. REALLY. And the breeder wont reply to email. I am tempted to stop by her house, not sure if that would fix anything.
Sorry to hear that Travis, but honestly, it doesn't surprise me. Silkies will drop dead if you look at them wrong...

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