
Say... Everyone who has time... Can we talk nest boxes?

Show me yours? I'd love to see what you guys use. So far (and I know they're new to this) I've had an egg in the run, one in the coop tonight and 3 in the boxes. So I'm wondering if mine are up to snuff or could be better.

So can you all post pics or dimensions etc so we can have a nest box talk!
Here is a pic of my nest boxes in the LF layer pen. These are about 40-50 years old. They seem to be very popular both with the hens and with chicken keepers.


FOr my Silkiebator I use an Honey super from one of my bee hives. That way she has a nest and when the chicks hatch they won't get too far away. Then when they are a couple weeks old I just lift the super from around them.
Say... Everyone who has time... Can we talk nest boxes?

Show me yours? I'd love to see what you guys use. So far (and I know they're new to this) I've had an egg in the run, one in the coop tonight and 3 in the boxes. So I'm wondering if mine are up to snuff or could be better.

So can you all post pics or dimensions etc so we can have a nest box talk!

There are some really good nesting box solutions in this thread (and a lot of other amazing chicken gadgets!): https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/631861/diy-thread-lets-see-your-inventions
Say... Everyone who has time... Can we talk nest boxes?

Show me yours? I'd love to see what you guys use. So far (and I know they're new to this) I've had an egg in the run, one in the coop tonight and 3 in the boxes. So I'm wondering if mine are up to snuff or could be better.

So can you all post pics or dimensions etc so we can have a nest box talk!
Nest boxes? My hens use a large rabbit nest box and upturned black 10 gal nursery pots with hay in them. They think when they hunker down, I can't see them.
Here is a photo of the basic design of our nesting boxes:

We install these in the side wall of our coop so we can access the eggs from inside the coop by reaching in from the tall side, or from outside the coop by lifting the sloped top of the box which is hinged. The boxes are installed on the shady side of the coop under a big tree so they are protected from the worst of the weather and stay cooler during the summer. The boxes and the trays in them have wire mesh bottoms for better ventilation. We thought we had another month before our pullets started laying, so this box (our first) was built after we found our first eggs. Once the box was available, the pullets took to it right away. Clever girls.

Very nice!
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