
So cute! I think that's what June Bug is.

Aww, June Bug is a cute lil girl!
Sue my girls will jump up on my wheelbarrow! They are so sweet just love to hang out! My spangled girls are more flighty, but my black breasted red, blacks and creles are sweet girls.
Drool worthy. Those are amazing. I'm starting to get the notion that you all have waaay bigger operations than i do! quote name="Chicken Rustler" url="/t/48/oregon/6840#post_11627890"]Here is a pic of my nest boxes in the LF layer pen. These are about 40-50 years old. They seem to be very popular both with the hens and with chicken keepers.
FOr my Silkiebator I use an Honey super from one of my bee hives. That way she has a nest and when the chicks hatch they won't get too far away. Then when they are a couple weeks old I just lift the super from around them. [/quote]
I have actually modified them, I cut one side off so chicks can get into the nest with a broody. I have the open side toward wall and about 3 inches away from the wall. I currently have a broody setting on eggs that would not accept the broody tractor, so that is when I just cut the side off each one and gonna let her hatch out in the main coop. She is a veteran broody and top girl, so not worried about the chicks safety with the other birds.

That's a good idea. Maybe some day we'll do the hatching thing. My nest boxes are too high up for chicks.
Drool worthy. Those are amazing. I'm starting to get the notion that you all have waaay bigger operations than i do!
I really don't have many right now. I currently only have 20 LF birds, 14 LF chicks, 3 Silkies, 4 B Favs and 3 B fav chicks. This weekend I will also have B Salmon Favs and B Buff Fav.
I also own both of the birds on this logo. They are Fudge and Peaches. Thanks to Cloverleaf Farm.

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