
I have a hen who's acting kind of broody but not all day long, she wanders around for a bit in the morning and from late afternoon till end of day but middle of day she sits on the nest even if their is nothing in it and puffs up and tries to bite anything that gets close. I took her out today and put her on the ground assuming she'd go right back to the nest but she went on about the rest of her day. she's only been laying for about a month. should i do anything about it or just hope it gets better in a few weeks? we dont have any roosters or plan to hatch any more chicks. she's a speckled sussex about 6 months old. thanks, lisa in albany

If her behavior doesn't bother you, I would leave her alone. As long as she is getting food and water, she will eventually come around. Consider it a "practice run". lol. My neighbor's had a broody Orp and it drove them nuts! They even went so far as to dunk her in a bucket of cold water. Talk about a mad wet hen! All their trickery and antidotes did not make a bit of difference, she came out of it in a couple of weeks. I am a fan of letting nature take it's course. Anyone else have ideas?
Quote: Sounds like she might be at a transition of broody. Either just ending or most likely just starting. IF one has a broody and they want to stop her. Try putting the hen in a wire bottom cage that is off the ground and if possible hanging. I use a rabbit cage that is hanging in my barn. All they get is food and water. No bedding no comforts. About 3 days in there and they are done being broody and ready to be a normal chicken. Some people prefer to "break" a broody and others prefer to let her be. There is NO RIGHT or WRONG. It is what works best for you and what you are OK with.
Sending out a big thank you to all who attended the M-I Chicken Coop Tourr and Free Hen Keeping Class last weekend. At the Coop Tour, we had 170 adults and when counting youth about 400 people! Our coop hosts, volunteers, authors, and our local coop builder enjoyed meeting everyone and spending the day sharing enthusiasm for chickens.

It warms my heart - the generosity of the chicken community at large. The day felt like a celebration - thank you!

Picture of the Saturday Free Hen Keeping class.

Last night I stopped by the feed store and someone stopped me and shared that they planned to build their hen house and run this weekend
My girls seemed surprised by their first eggs. As they learned what was happening they started using the nest boxes. Now that they are starting to lay the golf balls will be more interesting.
Just got my heritage Turkey chicks from Porters yesterday. only lost two, the same breed. Now, if only Heritage Turkey farm (Plum Run ) would send theirs...but I think it would be better if they waited until cooler weather anyway. Didn't know turkeys were so cute when young, especially the Jersey buffs with their huge eyes.

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