
I am going to change the topic here and praise my nine pullets! They have been laying about a month now and I am getting between 7-8 eggs a day. Once so far we got 9! Happy dance here! Happy Labor Day everyone!
The house peeps got a little out side time today. :)

I used to read daily maybe 4 books a month Loved to read now sometimes the Pages run together and letters move its fun but i am learning to also watch Spaceweather.com

for me when we get geometric storms my head swims . My other half talks about Ferreday < spelling> cage for me LOL I told him when it is my time to go its my time to go .
thanks all i sometimes feel really stupid get mad when i try to post something and just loose the train of thought so i post and you can see my anger but its is not at other people normally myself .

lots of work but darn it gets hard but also good and bad days working with my chickens today They all seemed well and I love the A Lot post that was on the page link LOL i laughed and i am one one who always spells it alot LOL Tammy
Beautiful , I do not know if you know but Joy's Husband Don is in ICU and we may loose him he could become paralised so thought id tell you she is just so worried and scared they are going on 50 yrs in October 

Very sorry to hear that Tammy. I will be saying a prayer for them. Very scary.

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