
This is the view my chickens get from their coop ... I took this photo a few days ago just before the sun broke the horizon. I love how the valley between us and the next ridge is filled with fog. It makes it look like you could walk all the way to Mt. Hood before breakfast.

They say our property is ideal for wine grapes with really good exposure to the sun (we are surrounded by vineyards, though the altitude is a bit of a challenge). I think this exposure makes this a great place for chickens.
I think the birds get a little bit more sunshine up here than they would get if they were in a coop down in the valley, so I think that helps them want to lay more eggs. They say early morning sunshine is the best sunshine for absorbing Vitamin D -- and Vitamin D is very important for fertility and hatch rates of the eggs.

A beautiful sunrise makes having my morning coffee with the chickens good for me, too.
Though something about that lone chemtrail makes me dream of flying away on a different kind of adventure.
Yeah, I would definitely make a point to be up early with my coffee for that view!!! Went out to take care of the animals this morn and it was beautiful, sunny (but cold) came in looked out again a few minutes later and the fog has rolled in lol, I cant even see the shop from my back door right now!
Wow. So I lurk here often. I love this site and the wealth of info I can find here. I don't, however, love the drama. It is a complete turn off. Makes me sad that people are so mean to others they may have only met through a computer screen. Would love to see this remain a site to come to for healthy support instead of the distracting drama pool it is becoming. Especially this thread, since I do live in Oregon.
Ditto and well said
This morning while doing morning chores, one of my female muscovies came out of her hiding place for breakfast with 10 baby ducklings behind her. I would have sworn it was too cold and early in the year, but it seems spring has arrived!
This morning while doing morning chores, one of my female muscovies came out of her hiding place for breakfast with 10 baby ducklings behind her. I would have sworn it was too cold and early in the year, but it seems spring has arrived!
congrats - hope you post pics... Her clock is off lol.. love it :)
Thanks! Before this, the day I set a broody up with eggs I'd gather all the day's eggs into flats instead of the basket and used gloves or tissues to move them. Then I was able to pick out the most regular looking eggs, usually in a variety of colors, to put 10 or 12 of them under the broody. I made no consideration of breeding ... my hatchery birds all run together ... just egg shell color, cleanliness, size, and "shape."

So this whole "gathering a clutch" thing, and caring about hatch rates, is new territory.

I think I'll keep the eggs in the storage room in the daylight basement where my egg fridge is so I'm sure to go in there multiple times a day so I can "turn" the eggs as you suggest. Obviously NOT in the fridge ... I'll keep the ones I want to hatch on a shelf. The cement walls and floor keep it pretty cool in that room ... its supposed to be a wine cellar. Ha!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this! I always felt kinda weird, like I should be more selective or something, but when a hen was determined broody, I just pulled whatever eggs from that day looked the best--I tried to put more green eggs under her, to keep those going, and other than that.....clean, size and shape, just like you said. Mine are also multiple hatchery breeds running together, I've gotten some very interesting mixes!

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