
Someone on this thread was possibly wanting some Blue Ameraucana eggs from me and I do not remember who. I am just about done hatching for myself so would be willing to sell some eggs soon. I will turn the hen back out to free-range if I have no takers :) The colour blue is not a dominant gene so the resulting chicks could be blue (50% chance), black (25% chance) or splash (25% chance). I have no idea how close these birds are to SOP, I just bought the chicks as I wanted blue eggs and what is more cool than blue chickens that lay blue eggs! These are my "fun" birds, not one of the breeds I am working on. She is giving me about 5 eggs per week so it can't be a large order for optimum hatching eggs. Here is a picture of the breeding pair:
Hey Zanna, I believe that was me. After my incubator failing on two batches of serama bantam eggs, even after repairs, I decided to give up on eggs for now. Just going to start with some chicks until I can get a better incubator.
How many chicks do you want? I have a hatch going each week for the next three weeks and if enough hatch I can save a couple for you. No way to guarantee pullets though. Let me know.
*flops onto couch*

Hello all. Oh my. I haven't looked around on the forum for awhile since I had some bad experiences with my homemade incubator and beautiful serama bantam eggs in February. *wipes a tear*

I'm needing Ameracauna chicks.....but I'm looking around to see if any of these places that are selling actual Ameracaunas...and not AmerIcaunas. Getting a little frustrated with people in stores who should know more than me not understanding the difference here. =/

I did buy some chicks last Friday. 3 Wyandotte bantams, 5 silkies, and 5 EE.
I'm really really excited and happy to have chickens, but honestly I'm not having a great time. Not the chicks fault, not at all. I bought my chicks from two different feed stores, and both batches had deformed chicks that I didn't noticed until I got home. At one feed store they had their like...19 year old kid watching the place and he was clueless. He didn't know which breeds where which or where they were. They had one black silkie left who was sitting down. I asked the kid if there was anything wrong with the chick, and he said "No. She's just really little."
Well....no. Next I realize she has horribly splayed legs and curled toes on the left foot. I've wrapped her legs and foot, hand fed her and given her extra nutrients. She's walking much better and is able to stand...but I refitted her little boot and now she is having difficulty moving around again. She's a little lethargic today or exhausted from the constant workout. I hope she makes it....

Then I got a beautiful EE that has both sets of toes curled under. I didn't notice because I'm only 5ft tall and the cage where they were sitting in was rather above my eye level. I've been trying to get dressings to stay on it's feet all weekend, but they keep coming off. Not only are the toes curled under, they are rotated so I can't even set them properly. She runs and walks just fine so there is no health issue, but for these being my first set of chickens I'm kinda disappointed.
I'm keeping it because it's just cosmetic and I'm not showing or breeding EE. I could have exchanged it, but there were no chicks left with her gorgeous coloring.

hey there, on the curled toes EE, hope is not lost!

I have fixed some bad feet before. but you will have to be diligent and make a cast for the foot every day. I fixed 1 foot that was so bad. the chick was shipped. it was walking on the ankle like a peg leg with the foot twisted upside down underneath the peg leg. the ankle joint was swollen huge from being walked on and the middle toe was broken.

I set it in a cast (need a helper/2nd pair of hands for this) using electrical tape and light cardboard. you can also use band-aids but they stick to the skin worse than electrical tape. if you use band-aids, use baby-oil to take off the sticky when you remove it and go verryy slow. use hand sanitizer to remove the baby oil before re-casting the foot. I use tweezers to adjust the toes to be straight when I stick them down ( especially if curled).

here is a picture of the foot I made for that guy :)
I WISH I took a before photo. his foot healed PERFECTLY I was so proud ;)

read more - Poultry Podiatry:

it sounds like you are doing everything right, giving them extra vitamins, etc. keep an eye out for pasty butts. wishing you all the best, keep us posted please! :)
*flops onto couch*

Hello all. Oh my. I haven't looked around on the forum for awhile since I had some bad experiences with my homemade incubator and beautiful serama bantam eggs in February. *wipes a tear*

I'm needing Ameracauna chicks.....but I'm looking around to see if any of these places that are selling actual Ameracaunas...and not AmerIcaunas. Getting a little frustrated with people in stores who should know more than me not understanding the difference here. =/

I did buy some chicks last Friday. 3 Wyandotte bantams, 5 silkies, and 5 EE.
I'm really really excited and happy to have chickens, but honestly I'm not having a great time. Not the chicks fault, not at all. I bought my chicks from two different feed stores, and both batches had deformed chicks that I didn't noticed until I got home. At one feed store they had their like...19 year old kid watching the place and he was clueless. He didn't know which breeds where which or where they were. They had one black silkie left who was sitting down. I asked the kid if there was anything wrong with the chick, and he said "No. She's just really little."
Well....no. Next I realize she has horribly splayed legs and curled toes on the left foot. I've wrapped her legs and foot, hand fed her and given her extra nutrients. She's walking much better and is able to stand...but I refitted her little boot and now she is having difficulty moving around again. She's a little lethargic today or exhausted from the constant workout. I hope she makes it....

Then I got a beautiful EE that has both sets of toes curled under. I didn't notice because I'm only 5ft tall and the cage where they were sitting in was rather above my eye level. I've been trying to get dressings to stay on it's feet all weekend, but they keep coming off. Not only are the toes curled under, they are rotated so I can't even set them properly. She runs and walks just fine so there is no health issue, but for these being my first set of chickens I'm kinda disappointed.
I'm keeping it because it's just cosmetic and I'm not showing or breeding EE. I could have exchanged it, but there were no chicks left with her gorgeous coloring.

Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough go with your chickens. Please don't give upraising chickens. I had a rough year last year. (Mareks.... ugh. ) But hopefully things will get better.

Oh which reminds me if you live in the roseburg area DON'T buy chicks at the DC Farmers Co-Op. Last year I bought some bantam naked necks from them for my 4-H project. Well they were infected with mareks, I lost a good portion of my flock. Luckily my older birds are vaccinated. But when we asked the "chicken guy" whether or not they vaccinate he told us it was way too expensive. Which isnt true. If you are going to buy chicks in roseburg buy from Coastal. Every bird that passed through their doors is vaccinated for mareks.

Just please be aware, I know other people who also lost birds because they bought chicks at the co op last year too.
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I only keep 4 nest boxes in the coop & all the hens use 1 or 2 ( like in many coops
) i collect daily check them all just to be sure . Well the bottom nest - NEVER used EVER Ever in the past years. So today as im collecting - i check them all & get to the "never ever used nest & there is a pile of 8 eggs
- ------ maybe there favorite nest is changing or they are keeping me on my toes lol....
Is anyone going to the Spring Poultry Swap? I am not a vendor, but I will be donating some hatching eggs for the raffle. I am just curious if anyone else is going.

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