
HELP! My EE hen Maria is shedding feathers very quickly and is not laying I'm not sure of the age but I think she about 1.5 years old so could she be molting or is it something more serious that I should be worried about?
Sounds like the right age for molting, the heat will often start them a little early also. Watch to make sure she's not losing weight but I wouldn't panic. Some of mine have dropped so many feathers all at once I was looking for a carcass.
I have 3 hens who were 2 in April and 3 hens who are almost 1 and I am yet to see any of them molt. Is this something that can be missed? I am outside with them almost every day.
Sounds like the right age for molting, the heat will often start them a little early also. Watch to make sure she's not losing weight but I wouldn't panic. Some of mine have dropped so many feathers all at once I was looking for a carcass.

I've been noticing a lot of molted feathers too but it could be my juvies. I hope you hen is okay! Can you submit a pic for us?

All mine have started molting here as well. Poor little things.
Thanks guys! I looked at her closer this evening and she has new feather growth. Glad it was just molting. and Sorry just got in from closing up the coops and saw all of your posts so maybe a picture tomorrow
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There are tons of feathers in their run. I was thinking it was either from the recently broody hen or the worst (bugs!), but molting makes a lot more sense especially since there are no bugs on them that we can tell. And some of the other chickens look as though they have lost some feathers.

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