
Hi, all -- didn't want to be a creeper as I start poking around this thread so thought I'd better at least say hello first. We are currently in Indiana, but we are looking at coming "home" to the PNW (specifically somewhere around the Portland metro area) this summer, for good. Not entirely clear just yet exactly where we'll end up settling - have family (the in-laws) in St. Helens and Lebanon (my mom, sister, niece and nephew) as well as a bunch of extended family all around various parts of Portland. Not sure how long it'll be after we get moved before I'll be able to start back up in having chickens, sure hope it doesn't take too long, already feeling sad at the thought of not having a flock to love as I have been selling off the birds I have now.
One quick question - as we are not set on any particular area just yet does anyone know if there are any known chicken UNfriendly communities? I know that Portland tends to be pretty progressive in general and so far different things I've found show they have readily embraced the urban homesteading movements, but if there are areas that at this time do not allow backyard poultry would love to know so I can cross them right off my list as I am starting to narrow our housing choices, etc.
One quick question - as we are not set on any particular area just yet does anyone know if there are any known chicken UNfriendly communities?  I know that Portland tends to be pretty progressive in general and so far different things I've found show they have readily embraced the urban homesteading movements, but if there are areas that at this time do not allow backyard poultry would love to know so I can cross them right off my list as I am starting to narrow our housing choices, etc.

Salem is inexpensive for housing compared to Portland which has become very expensive. Though Portland celebrates its chickens, I think the limit might still be six.

Salem allows 6 chickens, no roosters and chickens are supposed to be supervised if out of the coop. But the ordinance is complInt driven, so if no one complains, nothing will be done. Chickens can only be in the backyard.

Polk county seems friendly as I know people with roosters there. My girls are not supposed to be in the front yard, but they are my pest control and my neighbors don't mind.
One quick question - as we are not set on any particular area just yet does anyone know if there are any known chicken UNfriendly communities? I know that Portland tends to be pretty progressive in general and so far different things I've found show they have readily embraced the urban homesteading movements, but if there are areas that at this time do not allow backyard poultry would love to know so I can cross them right off my list as I am starting to narrow our housing choices, etc.

Any HOA community normally does not allow chickens or down town area. Other than that most of Portland area allows 3 hens no roosters I believe.

That was one of our requirement as well, allowing chicken. We ended up in Battle Ground WA, but still work in Portland area.
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Any HOA community normally does not allow chickens or down town area.  Other than that most of Portland area allows 3 hens no roosters I believe.

That was one of our requirement as well, allowing chicken.  We ended up in Battle Ground WA, but still work in Portland area.

Yes, we will be avoiding HOA at all costs, lol.
One county you need to avoid is Washington county it is the richest county in Oregon, unless you don't mind paying the prices to live here.
Hi, I am a bit late in asking (my chicks are currently in the mail right now heading this way) but was curious if chicken owners out here vaccinate small flocks against Marek's and if medicated or non medicated chick starter is preferred.

I had chickens before when I lived in Wyoming, and no one vaccinated, but everyone used medicated chick feed for coccidia. Now that I am newly located in lovely Benton County,Oregon I just realized I should have asked around before ordering my chicks. Any other area specific health issues (worms, disease) that is common here?

Thanks for any input!
Is anyone here from Tillamook County? I'm looking for silkie hatching eggs, welsh harlequin eggs, ancona eggs or ducklings, and call duck eggs or ducklings. It's probably a long shot but I'm not having much luck other places I've looked.

Check on Craigslist lots of people have Ancona hatching eggs, I've also seen silkie and welsh harlequin eggs.

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