
Well I’m going for chicks that can be feather sexed. To get that you need a fast feathering male and a slow feathering female. From what I’ve read, my ameraucana roo is fast feathering and my Wyandotte hens are slow feathering. I have 3 or 4 eggs of that cross under the broody, so we shall see if it works in about 3 weeks!
Otherwise just for fun there’s 2 Japanese bantam eggs and 1 or 2 RIR/Japanese bantam cross eggs.
I've read about that a little bit. But I was always under the impression it was a color pattern thing. Didn't realize it could be done buy rate of feathering, but it does kinda make sense.
Yeah it seems there's a few different ways to getting sex linked chicks. I've heard that breeding my ameraucana roo with my barred rocks will produce a sex link too, so when the barred rocks are old enough I may have to try that out.
Good to know. I’m planning on looking more into that over the next few months. My barred rocks are only 8 weeks old, so not quite old enough. I’ve got some easter eggers and australorps the same age too.

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