
Eugene area folks: if you need some of the larger holed chicken wire - there is a listing on Craig's List - 2'x150' rolls for $5.00 a roll - so it is a deal because even if you double it up off-set to make the holes smaller that is still less than half what the regular stuff is - it's new on the rolls but has been sitting for a while and some of the rolls have some rusty spots but mostly it looks pretty good - might not be strong enough for overnight protection but for a daytime run it should be fine (I bought 8 rolls) they have a fair amount but if you want some I wouldn't wait too long - it is in the farm and garden section posted yesterday.
I went to the Urban Farm Store in Southeast Portland today to get some fertilized eggs from one of the employees. If all goes well, in 21 days I'm going to have a Sicilian Buttercup, a Turken, and a Delaware, so if anyone wants one, speak up!
Hi, fellow Oregonians! I have a little flock in Roseburg, 5 hens, and, until yesterday, 1 rooster. But something got the rooster while he was free ranging (I've no idea what, but think it may have been one of my cats - they are afraid of the chickens, but the roo was on his own, and near some bushes, so one of them may have taken advantage of the opportunity) Anyway, I am sure that at some point I will want another rooster to watch out for the ladies. I see that there is a chicken swap planned in Salem in June, and may want to take a look there. But I need some advice about roosters. My boy was a Silver Spangled Hamburg - not terribly friendly, but not aggressive (at 15 months). When I'm ready for another I would want one that has a good chance of not beating up either his girls, or me. Can anyone give me some advice on a breed that might work in my situation? My girls are NH Reds (2), EEs (2), and one SSH, and all are 15 months old. I could conceivably fit 2, or possibly 3 more into the small coop I have; and, while I don't really need or want another hen at this point I would consider it to keep him company if he is too young to fit in with the big ones for awhile. I am not interested in breeding him at all; I am looking for friendliness, protectiveness, and beauty. I notice that there may be Salmon Faverolle cockerels available at the swap. Are they friendly usually?
Well, things have changed... we no longer have the little flock... Our original of a rooster and 2 black sex links and 3 RIR's grew a good bit with the adding of some mixed bantie/auracana/etc. and (out of 19 buffs) 2 Buff pullets and we kept ONE of the roosters, for a then total of 21.

We have 36 "pullet" chicks of the size to run the yard with the big ones... 10 RIRs, 10 white leghorns, 10 Barred Rock, 3 silver-laced Wyandottes and 3 black sexlink...

AND my wife arrainged for 60 silkies that she is trying to sell the extras.

On the proofread, she informed me that she once again overpopulated us with an order of 50 aracuana's! (with the idea of selling off he extras) I want lots of chickens, but she is ridiculous!

Now she told me she is adding the "Happy Cackle Special" which I don't even want to know what is!

Forget selling the extras! anybody want a wife?
hey - oregon folks who are interested in upgrading their feed...
especially if you are in the mid-valley area...(Salem, Corvalis, Eugene) I have been talking to a chicken raiser in the Portland area who has told me about a small mill making organic (certified and also uncertified) feeds, they have been buying it in half-ton batches to share - but if we get enough folks to split a ton (or more) the price will be better and we will have better food for our babies...(still will likely be a bit higher than the cheapest on the market) so if you are interested in finding out more e-mail me. Leslie
Hi everyone, I just found this group. I am from Tillamook. Right in the city and surprised my neighbors haven't complained. I have 2
blk sexlinks and sadly now one buff orpington. One was found doa in the run last month.

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