
No idea...sorry girlie!!
No idea...sorry girlie!!

That's okay. I think I broke some kind of rule and posted this inquery on the Duck forum and Columbiacritter jumped in and said it was extreemly toxic... Off to re-vamp..
You should go! It is really cool and there is a lot to do. I've considered selling my feather earrings there that I make from my chickens' feathers, but it is too expensive to afford a spot..
You should go! It is really cool and there is a lot to do. I've considered selling my feather earrings there that I make from my chickens' feathers, but it is too expensive to afford a spot..

Have you considered going in with some other people and sharing a spot? That could lessen the cost for you. I know, I need to go.

I woke up to a beautiful morning. High cloud cover in every varriation possible, just gorgeous with the rising sun! Good morning Oregon!
Hi All,

This is the Craigslist ad I just placed. We're in the Portland area. Please let me know if you're interested.



Unfortunately we've been caught by our George Orwellesque HOA and must find a new home for our 4 lovely, sweet hens. They're young...just started laying a few months ago, and most days we get 4 beautiful light brown eggs. We're selling them along with absolutely everything you'll need to start your own backyard flock:

New coop
Bedding (cedar pellets and straw)
Lots of organic feed and treats (oyster shell, scratch grains, etc.)

The girls are named Ruby (White Rock), Mabel (Barred Rock), Florentine (Black Star Sexlink), and Tikka (Red Star Sexlink). They're all extremely friendly, love to be petted and hand-fed, are great with kids (I have a 4-year old who loves them), and are great egg producers. They would love an area where they could free range at will, and will reward your good care with wonderful, healthy eggs and their good company.

We're very sad to see them go, but when the HOA speaks, we must listen.
I live in a little inbetween-ish area between the little towns of Neotsu and Otis. Technically Otis but my post office box is Neotsu's.
It's about a mile north of Lincoln City.

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