
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? (Being right outside of portland...)

Well, it's definitely NOT "country" living, and I don't know how much land you could find...
I live in Forest Grove, OR. We have sewers and can have chickens...no goats. I'm not sure what the sewer situation is right outside of town. You can have chickens and, I think one or two goats in the Portland city limits. But to actually find land you would have to be in the west hills, I believe, and that would be pretty pricey.
We are in the Portland suburbs. Our address is Beaverton but we are really in unincorporated Washington County. We do have sewers here and we can have ANYTHING.
I do think though our neighbors would not be too thrilled if we took that freedom too seriously so we have 4 hens on an 8,000 sq. foot lot.
hey guys. I'm new to the forum. Just poking around, learning everything I can before I order my chicks late summer. This will be my first go at raising hens. I'm in a neighborhood in Eugene, but we are not annexed in the city. If that makes sense. Glad to see so many Oregonians.
Hi everyone, I'm in NE Oregon. not many of us over here from what I can tell. So please let me know if you are. I live near Hermiston- Pendleton. I would love to go to the swap meet but I have shipped eggs-cochin banty, mixed colors- in the" bator" due just about that time and it would be a 8 hr. one way trip for us!

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